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After Gov. Mark Sanford embarrassed the GOP with yet another scandal involving sex and/or marital infidelity, Republican bigwigs are behind the scenes reconsidering how strongly the party should emphasize morality and religion in the future.
For the past several decades, Republicans have played up issues like respect for the sanctity of marriage, no sex before marriage, relationships are meant to be between a man and a woman, and “Family Values” as their core political platform.  This narrow approach attracted Christian conservatives to the party by the boatload and created a very pointed difference between Republicans and Democrats.  But a series of sex scandals involving high-profile officials, has made the GOP appear like a party of hypocrites, forcing Republican strategists to question if the party should take a second look at how it emphasizes such matters.

JUNE 11, 2007:   Republican Congressman Larry Craig of Idaho, was arrested for lewd homosexual acts in a men’s restroom at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.
JULY 9, 2007:   Republican Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana, apologized after his name and telephone number appeared as an active client in the phone records of the woman dubbed the “D.C. Madam.”
SEPTEMBER 1, 2008:   Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin announced that her 17 year old daughter Bristol, had engaged in pre-marital sex and was 5 months pregnant out of wedlock.
JUNE 16, 2009:   Republican Senator John Ensign of Nevada, announced that he was having an extra-marital affair with a woman on his campaign staff, who just happened to be the wife of his longtime friend and Administrative Assistant.
JUNE 24, 2009:   Republican Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina calls a press conference to explain his 5 day absence from governing his state — he was visiting his mistress in Argentina.
The GOP has placed itself on an extreme moral high ground, which has played directly to the interests of conservatives, particularly in the south.  But how can Republicans continue to preach “Family Values” when its own members continuously fail to live up to their own mantra?  They can’t continue to be the “Morality Police” if they can’t keep up with their own rules.  Said one Republican official:  “We have placed the bar so high, we have that much farther to fall.”  Perhaps it’s time for Republicans to put an end to their hypocritical “holier-than-thou” image and stop trying to measure up to a misplaced and self-imposed Judeo-Christian rule of law in modern day politics.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Just heard on CNN Mark Sanford claims he still wants to stay married but is calling his lover his soul mate. How does this work? These guys wouldn't know family values if it bit them in their rear end.

  2. Sounds more and more like "mid-life CRISIS" to me; then again, given that so many GOP "family values" christianists seem to be sexually REPRESSED who can say?_smh. Anyway, I’m pretty sure I shared the following passage on another post related to this story. I think it's worth posting again because it's so ON POINT:Clinton Attacker to GOP: ‘Lose Stinking Rot of Self-Righteousness’South Carolina Rep. Bob Inglis made a name for himself in the late 1990s as one of Bill Clinton's most zealous pursuers, an impeachment "manager" who attacked the moral failings of the president with a gusto that earned him a devoted following in the staunchly conservative "Upstate" of conservative South Carolina.But with his governor now felled by similar temptations, Inglis sees an opening for the Republican Party, a chance to "lose the stinking rot of self-righteousness" and "to understand we are all in need of some grace."Full story-WSJ: to the GOP_AGAIN: ENOUGH with your phony-azz “family values” crap_and for goodness sakes…“lose the stinking ROT of self-righteousness”_!

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