Current Events

What Do You Do With Syrian Refugees?

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Current Events –
What Do You Do With Syrian Refugees?

Have you been wondering what Americans should do regarding the Syrian refugees? Well, wonder no longer as this video from the Department of Homeland Security explains EVERYTHING!

Enough said…so get to watching!





OK WASSUP! covers current events. Today’s article:
What should Americans do about the Syrian refugees?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. @DJ – Thanks for posting this video. It's a great source of factual information on this issue. .

    Just last week, I learned a bit about the rigorous screening process refugees must go through (AND pass) before being allowed to immigrate to the U.S.

    Based on what I've learned thus far, the bigger issue…one that I find significantly more troubling is: "identifying foreigners who fail to go home when their VISAS expires."

    Indeed.."Nobody is sure how many people are in the U.S. on expired VISAS."

    "There is no current comprehensive system to assure that the immigration authorities know whether persons who have been admitted as nonimmigrants remain in the country illegally. The illegal aliens who do not leave when their entry permit expires are referred to as overstayers."

    Source- Federation For American Immigration Reform

    Scapegoating refugees…Syrian (Muslim) refugees, in particular….does Nothing to address the actual immigration problem We face in this country. And untill the majority of Americans) understand THAT…..shameless, cynical and incompetent politicians will continue to run *Game* on Us.

    While the lives of countless innocent (Syrian/Muslim) refugees remain trapped in a state of fear, anxiety, uncertainty and Yes, suffering.


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