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If you’ve ever heard the old saying “What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander,” you’ll likely enjoy this story from a fed up female who’s intent on “helping” men make their sexual decisions the same way some men have been wanting to “help” women make theirs.

Conservative Republican men like Rick Santorum and Rush Limbaugh have been making waves lately about a woman’s right to choose and how the government should legislate against birth control. Although it’s been easy for men to make that judgment call for women, what if women were able to do the same for men?

Sen. Nina Turner

In light of the double-standard, Ohio Democratic Senator Nina Turner is pressing for a law that says if the government is allowed to regulate a woman’s access to birth control, it must also be allowed to regulate a mans access to birth control too.

Turner has gone to the Ohio legislature to request the government put strong restrictions on the availability of Viagra, so that men like Rush Limbaugh (who uses Viagra frequently) will not be able to copulate so easily.  According to the proposed law, any man wishing to take the erectile dysfunction enhancing drug would first have to meet with a sex therapist to discuss his decision. He would then have to undergo a cardiac stress test to determine the safety of the drug on his body. Next, the man would need a notarized affidavit signed by his sexual partner, confirming that his “junk” is indeed out of order. Then the doctor would be required to take a long look at the “defective organ” to decipher if the cause was indeed medical or possibly psychological.  Only after an extended waiting period would the drug be finally dispensed to a man like Limburgh, before he could be “up and running” again.

Oklahoma Sen. Constance Johnson wants to go a step further by introducing an amendment that proclaims every sperm sacred, meaning masturbation by men or any sexual activity not meant to produce a child would be illegal.

Of course these women don’t actually expect these laws to pass, but they do expect to raise the awareness about how silly such laws are for both men and women. Men already have the right to birth control whenever they choose to buy a condom or use Viagra to help them along, so women are merely wanting the same rights.

Take that, Rick and Rush!



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. "Of course these women don't actually expect these laws to pass, but they do expect to raise the awareness about how silly such laws are for both men and women. Men already have the right to birth control whenever they choose to buy a condom or use Viagra to help them along, so women are merely wanting the same rights."Hear! Hear! And I commend these ladies for their efforts in this regard.But I also have to say that I'm really beginning to feel that there's something *wrong* with a lot of "conservative" men. They're obsessed with trying to control the sex-lives of women AND gays. It all seems rather *sick* to me. 

  2. Hahaha good one. That video was hilarious. This law won't pass but she has a point. If somebody started telling men what to do like we sometimes tell women things would change. Only bad thing is I was eating lunch when I saw that naked pic of Rush Limbaug in a towel. Now i'm sick!

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