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Is Mitt Romney hiding something — and where is Donald Trump when you need him most?

A few months ago during the GOP primary, Mitt Romney promised he would release his tax returns just as every other presidential candidate has done since forever.  However, Romney has failed to fulfill that promise and has no intention of keeping it.  Further, Romney also keeps a majority of his riches offshore in the Cayman Islands, far away from Uncle Sam.  But why??

If perception is everything, then Romney’s perception of possible deception is very powerful.  Romney says he’s just a private type of guy.  But when you’re a multi-millionaire running to be the leader of the free world, and you’re keeping the bulk of those millions in some foreign bank with liberal laws, yeah… it looks like you’re hiding something!

President Obama should be all over this.  Mr. Obama released his own tax records months ago and has been very forthcoming on he and his wife’s finances.  The fact that Romney is remaining mum on his own wealth and hoping nobody notices should become campaign issue Number 1!

And as for Donald Trump:  he spent months telling anyone who’d listen that President Obama was hiding something by not showing his birth certificate.  Yet we haven’t heard a peep out of Trump on Mitt’s hiding of his finances, as well as his storing them in an offshore and “tax-free” bank. Either Trump is not calling Romney on his secretive finances, or he’s — ahh who are we kidding.  Trump is a Romney supporter and is simply playing favorites.

But will the American people play favorites too, or wake up to Mitt’s game of silence???


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. "Is Mitt Romney hiding something?"Yep.Don't know if the American people will "play favorites" on this issue(?)But IF most voters are FAIR-minded, this issue will certainly be AS important to them as any other major issue guiding their decision-making as to which presidential candidate they will support. 

  2. You dam skippy Mitt hiding something. It don't take a rocket scientist to see that. He needs to come clean or else get out the race. Yeah where s Trump at now?

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