Comments on: WHAT’S NEXT FOR CASEY ANTHONY? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Beth Stanton Thu, 07 Jul 2011 16:13:30 +0000 This is such a tragic case. As a parent it hurts my heart knowing that little girl is dead and may have been killed by her own mother. So to think this woman could earn money off the tragedy is sickening. We can't forget the real victim here is the innocent young child whose life is over. I pray for this little girl's soul. 

By: Truthiz Thu, 07 Jul 2011 14:01:27 +0000 BREAKING NEWS: MSNBCCasey Anthony was sentenced to four years in jail on Thursday, two days after she was found guilty of lying to police but found not guilty of murdering her 2-year-old daughter.Anthony, 25, was found guilty of four counts of lying to investigators and sentenced to a year in prison for each count. She was also fined $1,000 on each count.Judge Belvin Perry, while giving her the maximum sentence, said Anthony could go free in late July or early August because she has already served nearly three years in jail and has had good behavior.

By: Truthiz Thu, 07 Jul 2011 13:54:30 +0000 <span><span><span>G.E. Cannon Phd: </span>   <span>CA is the prototype narcissistic personality, described so well by Christopher Lasch's in the 1970s book *The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations.* </span>    <span></span>   <span>Our materialistic culture, and our dominant market culture affects all of us. As the market ethos reigns supreme, we become narcissistic in our pursuit of *stuff*. </span></span> <span><span></span></span> <span><span>CA is Lasch’s narcissistic girl-child. When her child (Caylee) died, CA was a 22-year old emeshed in a life that a high percentage of our youth live. It’s a life living with parents, while persuing a life-style that our marketing culture encourages-partying and tatooing and endless drama. She tried to work as a marketing coordinator at Universal-Disneyworld- a vacuous job promoted by our culture, but in which she was totally unqualified. […]</span></span>  <span><span></span></span> <span><span></span><span>So now it appears that CA will (most likely) never have to worry about $ again. WHY? Because she's about to be rewarded beyond her wildest dreams </span></span><span><span><span>for: (1) AT BEST, exhibiting the most reprehensible </span><span>kinds of behavior regarding her missing and (later found DEAD) child…</span><span>and (2) possibly WORSE. Having had a hand in the killing of her child but was able to GET. AWAY. WITH. IT.</span></span></span>  <span><span><span></span></span></span> <span><span><span></span><span>SMH. What a message to send to today's children and young people. Not only does CRIME pay. But it pays VERY WELL. </span></span></span> <span><span><span></span></span></span> <span><span><span>W</span></span></span><span><span>elcome to today's America, where ENDLESS media sensationalism can turn even Killers into celebrities, juries will set them free and for said *celebrities*…"millions in ca$h will follow."</span></span></span>
