I want to also add: IF the Tea Party_aka the Republican Party nominates Sarah Palin for President in 2012 then President Obama will win re-election_period. And it won't close! OTOH: If the Repubs suddenly grow a brain (and they WON'T) they would seriously consider backing someone like Mitch Daniels (and they WON'T). In the grand scheme of things, Daniels ain't much. But since the the Repub standard has now sunk beneath the floor Daniels is head-and-shoulders above the rest of the potentail um…"presidential candidates." For starters he appears to be SANE. He doesn't shoot off his mouth spewing Hate and other venomous blather. And the man exhibits a modicum of actual Intelligence and a smidge of class_ALL of which makes him TOTALLY UNacceptable to the Tea Party.
DJ:“So, what do you think of a potential OBAMA – CLINTON ticket in 2012?”Well_if you're referring to whether I think it would be a “winning” ticket?Six months ago (h*ll maybe even 6 weeks ago) I probably would have answered: NO doubt. Especially when you take stock of the characters that make up the Tea Party_aka the Republican party_ these days. Frightening to say the least! But now, it's a tough call because the Dems (the President in particular) have done such a p*ss poor job addressing the economic crisis confronting many_if not most_ Americans, that it's clear_he's got a growing ANGRY electorate on his hands. The truth is, IF the economy is in as BAD a shape_OR WORSE_this time next year, I don't think having Hillary on the ticket will make a speck of difference. Not to mention: She may NOT even want it and would decline the offer anyway.… Read more »