Do you like Whisky? Do you like a good old-fashioned home blend? Well, here’s a brand that’s definitely “old-fashioned” and definitely “blended” at home. But, um… you may wish to pass on it.
Introducing the Gilpin Family Whisky — a unique single malt whiskey made from urine. That’s right, you read correctly. It’s made from URINE! More specifically, it’s made from the sugar rich urine of good, old-fashioned elderly diabetics. Ewww…
Apparently since large amounts of sugar are excreted on a daily basis by type-two diabetic patients, especially those higher up in the aging population, the elderly and their full bladders are just what Gilpin needs to make a batch. The sugar is removed first by purifying the urine and then adding it to the mash stock to accelerate the fermentation process. And voila! You’ve got yourself a fifth of, er… Whisky.
Gilpin Family Whisky is not sold commercially, but is instead being given away as a public health statement. Although it only takes a couple of weeks to make a batch, Gilpin himself think it’s “best if it is left in the bottle for a little while.” Hmmm…
(I’m scared to ask how one of the bottles became red)
Oh well — anyone for a glass of good old-fashioned fermented pee Whisky?
LOL this is just awful! I hope nobodys really drinking it.