Current Events

White Americans Believe They Are Discriminated Against

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If you’re still wondering how someone like Donald Trump was ever elected leader of the free world, you may not need to look any further than the issue of racism for the answer. Interestingly, a majority of white Americans believe discrimination exists against them — and that Trump is their last hope to save them.

According to a new poll conducted by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, 55% of white Americans surveyed believe that “discrimination against white people exists in the US today.”


Yes, despite more than 200 years of slavery and a separatists system built by their ancestors that still affects us today, white Americans are under the impression that they are somehow getting the short end of the stick in today’s society.  Surprisingly, 19% polled said they’ve “been personally discriminated against” because of their race when applying for jobs, while 11% said they experienced discrimination when applying to college. An additional 13% said they have been discriminated against on the job during consideration for equal pay and/or a promotion.


Are these whites aware that they have always been and continue to be able to go anywhere they damn well please?  Have they ever been profiled by the police or trailed for miles simply because they were in a nice car or the “wrong” neighborhood?  Have they ever been hung from a tree because a white woman falsely accused them of rape??  Have they ever been told they can’t sit at this lunch counter, or use that bathroom, or drink from this water fountain, or sit in that seat on the bus??

(As an interesting side note, NPR said economic status seemed to “affect individual responses to the question of discrimination,” with those making less money “more likely to say that whites are discriminated against.”)

The poll numbers are not surprising.  The 8-year presidency of America’s first black president combined with the continued “browning” of America has many whites shaking in their boots.  They see their centuries-long stranglehold on the US rapidly slipping away and they don’t like it.  Additionally, lower-income whites without higher educations are fearing they’ll have nothing to fall back on as modern times diminish the importance of coal, steel, and other blue-collar jobs they regularly need to survive.

White Americans

The belief of “white discrimination” is deeply responsible for electing Donald Trump and for the “White Lives Matter” march on Charlottesville, VA this past July. Trump’s response that “there were good people on both sides” also fueled the theory and gave those who feel threatened a glimmer of hope.

The “Discrimination in America” series also surveyed African-Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans and LGBTQ adults, who were each asked about their “own personal experiences with discrimination.” Not surprisingly, 92% of African-Americans surveyed said that they believe “that discrimination against African-Americans exists in America today,” while 78% of Latinos said the same discrimination exists against Latinos. Approximately 75% of Native Americans, 61% of Asian Americans and 90% of people who identify as LGBTQ said that discrimination against their groups exists in America.

The poll was conducted January 26-April 9, 2017 and surveyed 3,453 adults, of which 902 were white.

So, what do you think?  Are whites legitimately discriminated against, or are they under some misguided assumption that because nowadays they are not always catered to or in complete control of the country that somehow that equates to discrimination?


[socialpoll id=”2470463″]


OK WASSUP! covers current events:
White Americans say they feel racism.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. DJ, I am SO glad you’re doing more posts about “Race” and “Racism” -the myths, flat out LIES, Truths and Facts – in America, past and present.

    I am reminded of this quote by the late, great Daniel Patrick Moynihan -U.S. Senator from New York

    “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.”

    The history of “Race” and systemic White racism, in America, is Factually documented, despite many desperate attempts to “White-wash” (pun intended) that history.

    My opinion: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I do not believe that all White Americans TODAY are “racist.” However, I do believe that most White Americans (say 55-60%) indeed ARE racists. I believe, based on observing their behaviors over the years, they tell the biggest LIES, routinely Scapegoat to excuse their Failures in life, and above all they’ve have been the main perpetrators of this nation’s most reprehensible offenses against “Others” going all the way back to the founding of this country.

    Fact: At least 5 Million Indigenous Americans were present when Columbus arrived here. The largest population, Native American Indians, inhabited THIS country eons before any Anglo Europeans stepped foot on this land and set about annihilating the Indians in order to STEAL their land.

    Fact: On Sept. 8, 2000, the head of the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) formally apologized for the engaging in the “ethnic cleansing” of Western Indian tribes.

    Fact: Also present among the native/indigenous people when Columbus arrived were people of African heritage.

  2. I have more to say on this but I’m heading to a meeting right now. In the meantime below are some of the sources I used to gather the historical facts I cited:

    1. The History Channel – Native American History (14 documentaries)

    2. An Overview of Native American History

    3. Indigenous Americans

    4. History of Native Americans in the United States

  3. Yes DJ you are on a role with the racism discussions. Keep it up and thank you for talking about this. Like you said I don’t know either how white people think they are discriminated against. They have everything. But maybe that is their problem. They are so used to having everything they feel entitled so if something doesn’t go their way they think it is discrimination. But they don’t know about real discrimination. They need to walk in a black persons shoes for one day to learn how it really is. All they are being is spoiled brats who don’t like seeing control slip away.

  4. Okay I’m back………

    So I’m supposed to take seriously that despite ALL of the blatantly discriminatory actions taken by most White Europeans who arrived here in 1492 – and continued by their decedents, at all ALL levels of American life TO THIS DAY – somehow they feel they are the ones being discriminated against!?!

    Yeah right. They know darn well they’re full of it. But just as they’ve done throughout American history -blame anything and anyone BUT THEMSELVES for their own failures in life, when they’ve been given EVERY opportunity to succeed.

    Makes them a natural constituency for Trump.

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