
White House Leaks Caused By Obama, Says Trump

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Trump blames President Obama for White House leaks

Politics –
White House Leaks
Caused By Obama,
Says Trump

Donald Trump has a White House leaks problem — and now he says he knows who’s behind the leaks: former President Barack Obama!

Since taking occupancy of The White House just over a month ago, Trump has faced an array of White House leaks. The leaks have had nothing to do with national security, but rather with exposing the incompetency of Trump and his team. Since Trump wants the world to believe that there’s nothing but smooth sailing going on at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., naturally, inside reports to the contrary irk him beyond belief.

During the past month, the press has released reports of infighting amidst the Trump team, absolute ignorance among his staff of how things in government work, as well as reports of Trump himself wandering the halls of The White House most afternoons while wearing a bathrobe and being obsessed with television news coverage of him.

It’s not a pretty picture and “The Donald” doesn’t like it. So, who’s behind the White House leaks? Barack Obama is, Trump boldly claims.

White House Leaks

In a 2-part interview that aired Monday and Tuesday on Fox News, Trump shockingly stated that not only does he believe Mr. Obama is behind the leaks within his administration, but also behind the angry town hall crowds Republicans have faced across the country.

“I think that President Obama is behind it because his people are certainly behind it,” Trump said. “And some of the leaks possibly come from that group, which are really serious because they are very bad in terms of national security. … And it will probably continue.”

When asked if Mr. Obama taking part in White House leaks and town hall disruptions was a violation of the unwritten presidents’ code, Trump was adamant.

“I think he is behind it. I also think it is politics, that’s the way it is,” Trump replied.


Since the day Barack Obama left Washington, he has kept an extremely low profile and has only been seen in photos on a remote beach with his wife, Michelle. So HOW could and WHY would President Obama leak any information?

White House Leaks

Furthermore, Barack Obama is no longer inside The White House. Donald Trump removed every person associated with the Obama administration on his first day and hired all of his own people. So, how could Mr. Obama possibly know the inner-workings of the Trump team, particularly when Trump and his own people are the only ones in the room??

Still, Trump remains hell-bent on placing blame on anyone except himself or his employees. He even went so far as to add that reports of his calls with the leaders of Mexico and Australia were caused by leaks from “Obama people.” Trump also added the Mr. Obama himself organized the crowds of angry Americans who have nearly shut down several GOP town hall meetings while expressing angst against Trump. In the world of Trump, it’s totally impossible for Americans to be displeased with him. Any negative expressions against him must always be because someone is out to get him and not because he’s doing anything wrong.

Once upon a time, Trump was giddy for White House leaks (from WikiLeaks and others) when he was on the outside looking in and could use leaks to attempt to embarrass President Obama. However, now that the shoe is on the other foot, he’s changed his tune.

Interestingly, White House leaks are nothing new and are experienced by most administrations. The difference here is that most presidential administrations hire experienced people who know what they’re doing and therefore provide nothing odd to leak. With the Trump administration proving to be a 3-ring circus, there’s something clownish to leak daily.

That’s not Barack Obama’s fault. That’s the fault of the star clown himself: Donald Trump!



OK WASSUP! discusses politics:
Trump blames Obama
for White House leaks.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Mr. BD

I think something is seriously wrong with Trumps brain. He just makes stuff up like it's true and he really believes it. Blame Bannon and those other people you hired not Obama. Somebody needs to order a mental health check on this man for real because something is wrong with him.


BD, I'd wager by now, most Americans would Agree with you because it's just that obvious. He's a flaming nutjob, to say the least.

Mr. BD

LOL you ain't never lied Truth.


Lol. How many times can it be said that were it not for the fact that this dangerous clown currently serves as the president of the United States, he'd actually be a laugh a minute. And as DJ correctly highlights – when it comes to the *leaks* and Trump's naked hypocrisy on the issue, you really do have to shake your head…smh.

Oh! …and on a somewhat related and equally absurd note……..

Apparently, yesterday afternoon/evening that same Clown claimed that (and i quote) "“nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.” – in response to the growing Quandary that Trump and the Repubs have created for themselves.

Seriously. You cannot make this stuff up!


I'd also like to add…….

In nation of over 318 million Americans, 62,979,879 million voters consider this dangerous Clown to be "fit" to serve as president.

Just think about that. WE (this entire nation) are like passengers trapped in a high-speed moving vehicle with a totally drunk driver behind the wheel of the car, thanks to a minority of the voter-population.

Something has got to be done about the Electoral College system.

Mr. BD

Amen to that.


*BREAKING* Thurs. March 2, 2017 So NOW we know why Trump amped up his attacks against the "Fake News" media. He knew that more Russian-related info was about to be revealed. "Sessions under fire over Russia meetings" Top congressional Democrats called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign Wednesday after revelations that he had met with the Russian ambassador in the months before the election — meetings that Sessions did not disclose during his confirmation hearings. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) led the effort late on Wednesday night, accusing Sessions of "lying under oath" during confirmation proceedings about his contacts with the Russians. "The Attorney General must resign,” Pelosi wrote in a statement. “There must be an independent, bipartisan, outside commission to investigate the Trump political, personal and financial connections to the Russians.” Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the ranking member on the House oversight committee, also called on Sessions… Read more »


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Thurs. March 2, 2017 NYT Reader: It is a sad and frightening scenario that an outgoing president has to protect information crucial to our nation's security and integrity from the next president. What does that tell you about Trump and his administration? Our intelligence agencies may be the bulwark in opposition to our democracy being subsumed by the infection which is Putin's Russia. […] NYT Reader: I am disappointed the Obama Administration didn't investigate the Russian/Trump election interference much more aggressively before the election. It was clear something really major was going on with the wikileaks only on Hillary Clinton and the Russian people in the Trump campaign. […] NYTimes Reader: The truth will come out. It's only a matter of time. If there were "no there there" then the White House would act now to get this matter out of the way. Dragging it out not only looks bad,… Read more »

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