White Knights Decline South Central LA Invite
White Knights…
White supremacists believe they are the smarter and more dominant race. Although their claims of dominance are absolutely nonsensical, the white Knights of Georgia were at least smart enough to recently recognize that their racist beliefs have geographical limits.
Current Events
Whenever we see white nationalists, neo-Nazi’s, and other racist groups staging protests and other “white power” events, they’re almost always in safe, predominately white cities within the south. So, the Los Angeles-based Community Action Now (or CAN) group invited the Georgia-based Knights of Stone Mountain white supremest group to participate in a “free speech” event in nearby South Central LA.
In case you’re unaware, South Central LA is considered the epicenter of gang violence between the notorious Bloods and Cripts. Or in other words, it’s not necessarily the place a racist would feel as if the welcome mat had been put out for him/her.
Not surprisingly and after “careful consideration” (their words), the White Knights politely declined the September invitation to bring their racist sideshow to the semi-automatic weapon-laced war zone of South Central.
“The white Knights of Stone Mountain have a long tradition of speaking our mind for the rights of the common white man,” the group announced via various social media outlets including Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. “However we’ve made a decision to not attend the upcoming event due to a conflict in our calendar.”
Oh really???
Current Events
Not long after their declined RSVP, social media went insane raking the racist group through the coals and mocking them as scared. The joke was that if the supremacists were indeed the dominant race, they should be able to dominate their message anywhere, any day, any time.
The group’s leader, 56-year-old unemployed welder Jim ‘Bodean’ James, was forced to save face and respond, claiming the move had nothing to do with safety concerns, but was merely a “scheduling conflict.”
“I know what you fake news Lügenpresse people are thinking, we’re not stupid,” the pissed off and embarrassed leader said. “It’s just that we’re sponsoring a church flea market that day and can’t make it. Maybe next time, OK?”
So, the white supremacists were actually willing to turn down an opportunity to prove their dominance on the streets of South Central in favor of a church flea market??? Yeah, right!
Nevertheless, CAN wanted it known that their heart was in the right place by organizing the “CAN Do” event, which was meant to help fringe racist groups like the Knights of Stone Mountain “get their message out” in an environment of “understanding, love and free communication.”
(Naturally, the Bloods were prepared to provide the “understanding” if the Cripts were willing to bring the “love” and “free communication.”)
“We wanted to give the Knights a chance to connect with the people of Watts in a way that they haven’t before,” said CAN Director Jayla Zari who was visibly disappointed when the hate group declined their invitation. “We really wanted to give them a forum where they could speak their minds to the people who are usually the targets of their speech. It’s an open invitation, so they can come out anytime.”
Interestingly, ALL of the hate groups invited to the CAN Do love-in have opted not to attend. They may not be the dominant race, but at least they’re smart enough to recognize a losing battle when they see one!
None of these dangerous groups are worth a dime to Our society, be they White supremacist racist groups or Black or Brown gangs. They’re all violent and destructive.
That said. I get DJ’s point ….and its a very valid point. White supremacists know the deal. Many if not most of them are just plain FAKE-alpha males who set themselves up as easy targets to be mocked and ridiculed.
Ha this is hilarious. I get it DJ. Of course these cowards backed out because their mamas didn’t raise no fools. But bring these clowns down to South Central, or Bedstuy Brooklyn or the South side of Chicago and see how things go then. I bet they won’t be running somebody down in a car then