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A nonprofit group in Texas says white men aren’t offered enough college scholarships, so they want to do something about it.

The “Former Majority Association for Equality” was started by Texas State University student Colby Bohannon, an Iraq War veteran who says he had trouble finding college scholarships for which he qualified.  Although he found many programs offering money to female or minority students, few were for white males like himself.

“I felt excluded,” Bohannon said. “If everyone else can find scholarships, why are we left out?” Bohannon added: “If you’re not a male, and if you’re not white, you’re called a minority.  But I’m not sure white males are the majority anymore.”

So Bohannon and some friends founded the FMAE group, which will begin handing out $500 scholarships this summer.  The catch is that only white men with at least a 3.0 grade point average can qualify.

Already, Bohannon and his group are getting heated criticism from various minority groups who feel white males are the most represented and awarded group in America.  Many feel white males are the least in need of help, particularly when women, African-Americans, Hispanics, and other minority groups are continually left out.

“We know that we’re going to be receiving some vicious attacks from people claiming that we are racists or promoting some bigotry-filled agenda,” Bohannon said.  But he added he’s just trying to help students who may have been a majority in the past, but are no longer as America’s demographics change.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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"Already, Bohannon and his group are getting heated criticism from various minority groups who feel white males are the most represented and awarded group in America."Indeed. They. Are. "Many feel white males are the least in need of help, particularly when women, African-Americans, Hispanics, and other minority groups are continually left out."Also True.However, those 2 Truths don't change the fact that some White males feel there is a need for an *ONLY White males need apply* scholarship. The "FMAE" group, of Texas, was established to meet that (PERCEIVED) need. And I suspect that *minority* groups raising sand about it will result in little more than an exercise in futility. 

Beth Stanton

I expect many to disagree with me, but this is a fair idea. Countless young, white males, from poor communities are struggling to attend college. These men are in need just as any other minority group. Since there are already scholarships for blacks and other groups, having one for these young males is only fair.


I honestly don't have problem with it Beth. While I still believe that white males (generally speaking) are indeed the largest group awarded scholarships in America, I'm also inclined to believe that young white males from very poor (often very rural) communities are disproportionately NOT the beneficiaries of those scholarships.And IF the "FMAE" group is targeting that underserved population in particular, I say, *Good* for them! 


Well I have a problem with it. If scholarships were all equal then it'd be ok. But theres no equality in this countrys education system which is why theres scholarships for blacks and minorities in the first place. White men don't need more scholarships since the system is already set up in there favor. Look at the full history of this country and you'll see my point.

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