Comments on: WHITE MALE ONLY SCHOLARSHIPS? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:57:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: BD Fri, 04 Mar 2011 23:12:20 +0000 Well I have a problem with it. If scholarships were all equal then it'd be ok. But theres no equality in this countrys education system which is why theres scholarships for blacks and minorities in the first place. White men don't need more scholarships since the system is already set up in there favor. Look at the full history of this country and you'll see my point.

By: Truthiz Fri, 04 Mar 2011 12:46:27 +0000 I honestly don't have problem with it Beth. While I still believe that white males (generally speaking) are indeed the largest group awarded scholarships in America, I'm also inclined to believe that young white males from very poor (often very rural) communities are disproportionately NOT the beneficiaries of those scholarships.And IF the "FMAE" group is targeting that underserved population in particular, I say, *Good* for them! 

By: Beth Stanton Thu, 03 Mar 2011 18:28:05 +0000 I expect many to disagree with me, but this is a fair idea. Countless young, white males, from poor communities are struggling to attend college. These men are in need just as any other minority group. Since there are already scholarships for blacks and other groups, having one for these young males is only fair.

By: Truthiz Thu, 03 Mar 2011 13:48:38 +0000 "Already, Bohannon and his group are getting heated criticism from various minority groups who feel white males are the most represented and awarded group in America."Indeed. They. Are. "Many feel white males are the least in need of help, particularly when women, African-Americans, Hispanics, and other minority groups are continually left out."Also True.However, those 2 Truths don't change the fact that some White males feel there is a need for an *ONLY White males need apply* scholarship. The "FMAE" group, of Texas, was established to meet that (PERCEIVED) need. And I suspect that *minority* groups raising sand about it will result in little more than an exercise in futility. 
