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White Man in Florida Gets Mistrial For Killing Unarmed Black Teen

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Top News Today –
White Man in Florida Gets Mistrial For Killing 
Unarmed Black Teen

Over the weekend, Florida proved (once again) that anyone can shoot and kill an unarmed African-American teenager and get away with it in a court of law.

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On Saturday, a Florida judge declared a mistrial after a jury was unable to reach a verdict in the shooting death of 17-year-old Jordan Davis.  Fortunately, a retrial is almost certain and at least this time, the killer will have to serve some jail time.

top news today current events shooting Trayvon MartinMichael Dunn is a 47-year-old computer programmer and software developer from South Patrick Shores.  He is also white.  On November 23, 2012, Dunn and his fiancee, Rhonda Rouer, left the wedding reception of Dunn’s son, Christopher, then stopped at a gas station so Rouer could buy wine and chips.  Dunn pulled into the parking lot next to an SUV, where the African-American Davis and his 3 friends were sitting, and was immediately bothered by the loud rap music booming from inside the vehicle.

Dunn and Davis got into an escalating argument over the music and Dunn fired 3 bullets at the vehicle, killing Davis.

During the trial, Dunn testified that he saw Davis reach behind his seat, pick up an object resembling a shotgun, open his door and say, “This (expletive)’s going down now!” Dunn claimed he feared his life was in danger, so he grabbed his handgun and fired in self-defense.

However, prosecutors portrayed Dunn as a gunman whose “blood started to boil” because an unarmed teenager had disrespected him. They pointed out that after the shooting, Dunn drove Rouer back to their hotel, ate pizza, walked his dog and poured a stiff rum and Coke — all without calling 911 or telling Rouer that he thought Davis was armed.

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Dunn invoked Florida’s controversial “Stand Your Ground” law and despite damning evidence against him, at least one member of the jury believed in Dunn’s innocence.  The first-degree murder case against him ended in mistrial, although the jury did find him guilty of 3 counts of second-degree attempted murder, which carries a sentence of 60 years in prison.

Prosecutors say they fully intend to retry Dunn, even though the 60 year sentence against him is virtually a life sentence at his age.  However, the shooting death of yet another unarmed black teenager in Florida has once again sparked tensions of racial inequality when it comes to the law.

top news today current events shooting Trayvon Martin

Just 6 months ago, George Zimmerman was acquitted for killing 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Florida and now, Michael Dunn gets away with first-degree murder in the killing death of 17-year-old Jordan Davis.

Is this truly justice?  Would there have even been a trial if it were a black man who shot into a car full of unarmed white teenagers?  Is it now open season on young, black teen aged males in Florida??


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OK WASSUP! follows the top news today, including the 
mistrial of Michael Dunn in the shooting death of 17-year-old 
Jordan Davis in Florida.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Good post. I would like to add a few things. First, when white kids are blaring music in their cars how come white people don't say anything to them. And for those of you who say this doesn't happen or it is rare, your a lie.

    Second you hit it on the head this is the second black child that has been murdered by a white man and he has gotten away with it.

    Thirdly this is disturbing. This is the second black child/teen…there has been a black man and black woman who were killed for just asking for help. And there were 2 black elderly brothers shot and murdered.

    Is this the new trend to slaughter black people and there is no anger or outrage by the victims families or other black people. You already know they are not going to be upset but what about you. Some of you think it will never happen to you but guess again as you see, if it can happen to one it can happen to all no matter sex, age, or education level.

    Get it together people.

  2. Cosign with Beverly. The fact that we're still having to suffer this evil isht in 2014 is simply UNbelievable!?!

    I'm still having difficulty processing it. And I believe that many Black-Americans feel like me, ANGRY, heartbroken, absolutely frustrated and, quite frankly, Terrified.

    "Stand Your Ground", IMO, is doing EXACTLY what it was designed to do…give license primarily to RACIST white men to provoke an altercation with, AND THEN KILL, Black men, based on some manufactured fear and lies. If those Black men are young and/or UNARMED, well all the better. Racist White killers know they can use *SYG* to kill Blacks with impunity. They know they can count on (mostly White) Jurors to deadlock or even acquit them outright.

    It's todays equivalent of legal lynchings sanctioned by todays equivalent of a Jim Crow law.

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