White Minority ‘Would Weaken’ American Culture: Poll

White Americans have enjoyed their centuries-long run as the majority race. However, with that run swiftly coming to an inevitable end, the very thought of a White minority has Caucasians shaking in their boots and fearing a cultural demise in America.
According to a prediction by the US Census Bureau, the majority of the USA will be made up of minority populations by the year 2050. So, it’s no surprise that a recent Pew Research Center survey of 2,524 US adults discovered that 46% of Caucasians are ghastly afraid of becoming a White minority in their country.
Currently, White Americans make up over half of the country’s population. However, the Census Bureau predicts that 2045 will be the year the White majority shifts to the White minority. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7% of the population compared to 24.6% Hispanics, 13.1% African-Americans, 7.9% Asians, and 3.8% multiracial ethnicities. In fact, they forecast a 2060 America composed of 56% minorities.
“The finding speaks for itself. It suggests concern broadly held by whites about a majority-minority country,” said Rich Morin, a senior editor at Pew Research Center.
Caucasians fear that their status shift from the long-standing majority to a White minority would be the death of “traditional” American values and customs. So, it’s no wonder that the rise of the Donald Trump movement and his anti-immigrant sentiment is deeply rooted in the fear of white reluctance to relinquish control of America.
“Make America Great Again” is really a last-ditch desire to turn the calendar back to the 1950s when America was in its white-controlled heyday and minorities knew their place and dared not rock the boat.
“Build That Wall” is actually a fervent attempt to halt the flood of even legal immigrants from making their way to American soil and claiming a piece of the American dream. Even if Trump’s wall won’t actually work, the MINORITIES KEEP OUT symbolism of such a structure is what’s fueling White America’s desire for it to be built.
White male anger (what do they really have to be angry about?) and their Charlottesville “White Rally” of 2017, White American obsession with guns and maintaining the NRA, White militia groups training in guerilla warfare against what they believe to be an impending new civil war — these are all thinly-veiled attempts of a brewing fight to the death to avoid Caucasian Americans from becoming a White minority.
The flip to a White minority in America is already imminent. Regrettably (for them), no wall, no Donald Trump, and no new civil war will be able to prevent it.
“The flip to a White minority in America is already imminent. Regrettably (for them), no wall, no Donald Trump, and no new civil war will be able to prevent it.” -DJ
You got that right DJ. And would someone please tell those “fraidy cats” that another civil war in this country AIN’T gonna happen (certainly NOT a “race war”) no matter how much THEY (white nationalists, segregationists and nihilists) keep talking it up in hopes that it’ll happen.
Look. I don’t like polls -regular readers of this site know this. And the sample size of the Pew Research Center survey is pretty small. But anyone who’s paid even the slightest bit of attention to the madness cited in DJ’s post, as well as other troubling acts carried out by white folks, can SEE that a lot of those people are driven by absolute Fear and unrelenting angst. Simply put they are in a Panic.
RE; the specific notion that a “White Minority” inevitably will lead to a weakening of “American culture”
First: Would that be the same American culture that, for over 400 yrs, has been shaped by the cultures of Native Americans, Africans (and then Black-Americans), Latin/Hispanic Americans, Asians (and then Asian Americans)? Is that the “American culture” they are referring to?/a rhetorical question
Of course not.
They are referring to the culture of White nationalism rooted in the concept of “White supremacy.” It’s no secret that Millions of white Americans seek to maintain a “White national identity” AND political and economic dominance over *Others.* Those whites voted for Trump. And believe this- they would support a creature even worse than Trump IF Trump fails to deliver on his promise to bring back their “good old days.”
Btw- a word to the Dems: In 2008 and 2012 quite a few white Dems (working-class AND elites) voted Republican because they did NOT want to see a Black man in the White House…not as president.
AMEN Truth.You hit the nail on the head here.
Long work day kept me from getting to this until now. DJ this is such a important topic. Whites stole this country from the natives who were here first. Now they don’t want anybody else to have it. Like Truth said they only want their white supremacy to run America. They don’t want to share nothing with black people and especially no mexicans. But nothing is going to stop it even all the Donald Trumps in the world can not. I hope I am alive in 2050 to see how this all goes and how white people deal with getting pushed in the background after all these years..