White Racist Shoots Black Police Chief, Then Goes Free
January 20, 2015
Top News Today
A white man in Sentinel, Oklahoma shot the town’s black police chief 4 times late last week and was allowed to walk free after questioning. Yes, you read correctly — he was allowed to WALK FREE!!!
Dallas Horton shot Police Chief Louis Ross 3 three times in the chest and once in the arm while Chief Ross was responding to a bomb threat at a private residence. Thankfully, Ross had borrowed a bulletproof vest and put it on only moments before the shooting, which almost assuredly saved his life.
The incident began with a 911 call around 4am last Thursday, when a caller reported that a bomb had been planted inside the Sentinel Community Action Center, a local school for predominately black students. The city contacted the Oklahoma Highway Patrol’s bomb squad, which responded to the scene and found no evidence of explosives.
Chief Ross and deputies from the Washita County Sheriff’s Office traced the fake bomb call to Horton’s residence, which they entered by breaking down the door. Finding no one in the first room, Ross entered a second bedroom, where Horton shot him 4 times.
Officers took Horton into custody but later released him, saying they had “insufficient evidence” for an arrest. Huh?????
Top News Today
Horton’s neighbor, David Delk, described him as a “survivalist” type who mistrusted the government, was openly unfriendly to neighbors and wore a lot of black clothing.
A Facebook page linked to Horton was discovered riddled with racially charged images and jabs at black leaders, including Rev. Al Sharpton. “Hurt ME and your [sic] gonna feel pain,” boasted one image. “Hurt my BEST FRIEND and your [sic] gonna need an ambulance, hurt my FAMILY…I’m gonna need a shovel,” said another.
Yet another image showed a blood-spattered 18-wheeler cab with human limbs sticking out of it. “JUST DROVE THROUGH FERGUSON,” it read, “DIDN’T SEE ANY PROBLEMS.”
Authorities removed a total of seven firearms from Horton’s house on Thursday. Jessica Brown, a spokeswoman for the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation said she was uncertain whether Horton would be arrested in connection with the bomb threat, but that the investigation is ongoing.
In almost every crevice of America, shooting a police officer is an instant charge of assault with a deadly weapon, resisting arrest, attempted murder, as well as a dozen other charges that would likely lock the suspect up for life. So, exactly how does a white Oklahoma racist shoot the town’s African-American police chief 4 times, then be allowed to simply walk away? If shooting a cop in the chest wasn’t enough for an arrest, then what exactly does a white racist have to do to get arrested here???
Okay…(sigh)…I have to say DJ, of course I trust that you're sharing what has been reported thus far.
But I certainly hope and pray there is more to this story because if there isn't?! If this is truly how it all played out?!…and that Police Chief isn't raising all kinds of H*LL about it (to the national media if necessary), demanding Justice?!…..
….then I have NO words.
Ok this is ridiculous. I checked up this story and found out they guy said he only shot because he thought somebody was breaking into his house. That can't be right since they yelled police when they busted in. Something's not right and this racist pig should be behind bars.
Hearing stories of such tragic nature is just so disturbing. I oftentimes sit and contemplate what is it going to really take to stop all this injustice against people of color. Especially African American Males. We have bled out the soles of our feet with marching, sought justice through the court system, civil and sometimes uncivil disobedience. So what is it actual going to take for the madness to stop? If some one knows please share.
Sadly Tyrob, it seems that THEY (White racists) want an all out "Race War" so bad they can taste it.
And they're willing to keep up the madness in hopes of getting it.