Comments on: White Supremacist Groups Back Trump News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 20 Jan 2016 17:18:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Wed, 20 Jan 2016 17:18:14 +0000 BD is right. It's going to backfire. In fact, I would argue there's already evidence that the *backfire* has begun:

* SEE the chaos unfolding within the Republican Party
* SEE the World watching this entire spectacle in disbelief
* SEE the UK debate on banning Trump from that country prompted by a signed petition of over 600,000 British citizens who would prefer he not step foot on their soil every again.

Btw- the debate took place in the British House of Commons this past Monday (MLK holiday). C-SPAN carried it *Live* and it was something to behold. The consensus was – Trump is a "buffoon." Crass and vile. Even "crazy." But he should NOT be banned from the UK.

Paraphasiing: "WE (Brits) are a tolerant society and believe in free speech. Instead let him come here and we will educate the *Stupid" fellow and send him back home with his tail between his legs."

But I digress.

DJ asked (tongue and cheek)
"So, is anyone at all surprised that Trump has purposely avoided denouncing the racism that has served as the wind beneath his wings?"

My response: No. Not at all.

By: Mr. BD Tue, 19 Jan 2016 20:06:20 +0000 It's no surprise. Trump tells these people all the things they want to hear. I can't wait until in back fires though and it will.
