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On Tuesday, November 4, 2008, the unthinkable happened… Barack Obama was elected the first African-American President of the United States.  African-Americans around the country cried with emotion at the thought that what was once an impossibility, was now a reality.  But there was one other group who also cried with emotion that the once impossibility was now a reality — SUPREMACISTS.
Following the election night victory of Barack Obama, white  and right wing supremacists rushed to racially tinged online blogs and forums to vent anger and disbelief  that voters had actually chosen a black man to be President of the United States.  At one point the online chatter was so heavy it overloaded the server of one of the most popular white supremacist Internet forums, Stormfront, shutting down the site temporarily.  In fact, the election of President Obama has “fueled resurgence” of right-wing extremist groups that are seeking new recruits, especially returning veterans.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which monitors such extremist activity, said racists are in total and utter disbelief that Obama was elected primarily by white voters, and are seething with anger at the prospect of the United States of America being led by a black man.  And A newly unclassified Department of Homeland Security report warns against the possibility of violence by unnamed “right-wing extremists” concerned about illegal immigration, increasing federal power, restrictions on firearms, abortion and the loss of U.S. sovereignty and singles out returning war veterans as particular threats.
“The amount of invective, anger and rage being vented on supremacist sites in the aftermath of the election is startling. Many are convinced that President Obama’s achievement means that whites and right-wingers have lost their place in America, and they are predicting the beginning of a cultural and race war, ” said ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman. The ADL posted a sampling of comments from white supremacist online discussion boards and Internet forums on its Web site at
Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke and other well known supremacists are blaming everyone from white “traitors” to Jews, minorities, and Republicans for bringing about this event and destroying their vision of a race-divided America, which they believe should be led by the “supreme” (white) race only!  Said David Duke on election night: “I believe tonight is a night of tragedy and sadness for our people in many ways … our country is not recognizable any more.”
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Janet Napolitano is taking a lotta flack from the right-wing groups for saying their on the rise. But theirs also a lotta groups scared somehow Obamas gonna take their gun and all that. Wise to keep a eye on them.


I agree with Anon: It's "wise to keep an eye on them."We should also be mindful to NOT over-react to all of their BS. On the whole, Reich-wingers are literally DYING off with every passing day_and so too is their world of "white-supremacy."I'm gonna go out on a limb here and predict that I've got a better chance of winning a million $$$ via the lottery (and I seldom play) than reich-wingers have of ever regaining any "real" power again.The GOP sealed its fate the day the hierarcy decided to "climb in bed" with those unintelligent dangerous nutjobs. And I actually believe we're witnessing the slow death of the GOP and a reich-wing "movement" as both groups (practically one in the same) thrash about widly, trying desperately to cling to life. Will there always be "racists" and bigots" in America? Yes, of course. They come in all shapes sizes, ages… Read more »


I agree with Truthiz: The GOP and right wing conservatives are a dying generation. It is the youth movement that got Obama in the White House and will keep him there. Racism will always be but a new day is dawning.


And in OTHER news:In his speech to the "Log Cabin" Repubs, McCain aide Steve Schmidt stated his belief that the GOP should "support" gay marriage…(pause)…LOL! Oh yeah, the base is gonna "really" love this stellar idea_smh.Moreover, Schmidt warned that "religion" is killing the GOP….(pause)…Um noooo. Radical "Christianism"__NOT to be confused in any way with "Christianity"_has helped destroy the Rethuglican party. And speaking to the same group (LCRs) on Saturday evening, Meghan McCain declared that "old school Republicans" were "scared shitless" of the Changing landscape in America and American politics."I feel too many Republicans want to cling to past successes," said McCain. "There are those who think we can win the White House and Congress back by being 'more' conservative. Worse, there are those who think we can win by changing nothing at all about what our party has become. They just want to wait for the other side to be… Read more »


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