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It’s a day many never saw coming.  But soon, whites will be in the minority.

This, according to recently released Census Bureau figures, that white children would become a minority in 2023 and the overall white population would follow in 2042.  This estimate is one of four projections based on rates for births and deaths and the scenario that immigration will continue adding nearly 1 million new foreigners each year.  The largest group of immigrants is and has been Hispanics, mostly from Mexico, coming to the U.S both legally and illegally.  As reported yesterday, they have already begun to make their presence known within the Catholic church.  But with their current rate of influx, Hispanics could lead the nations majority by mid-century.

The United States currently has 308 million people today.  Two-thirds are non-Hispanic whites.  Under the new projection, the total population should climb to 399 million by 2050, with whites making up 49.9 percent of the population. Blacks will make up 12.2 percent, virtually unchanged from today.  Asians are expected to increase from 4.4 percent of the population to 6 percent.  But Hispanics, currently 15 percent of the population, will rise to 28 percent in 2050.  Under these numbers, Hispanics, Blacks, and Asians would theoretically flip to the majority, with Hispanics leading the pack, while Whites would see themselves in the minority for the first time in U.S. history.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Beth Stanton

OK you're killing me here!Yesterday you say the Latinos are taking over my church. Now you tell me they're taking over my country and I will be a minority. Depressing.


As I stated on another post: America is "browning" that's just the reality of the situation.However, I'm struck by the projections cited that predict while other "minority" groups are on track to grow in population by 2050 (and by a pretty sizeable percentage, i might add) the Black-American population is projected to remian virtually UNchanged over that same time period. As a Black-American, I find that projection MOST troubling! But sadly, I can't say I'd be suprised IF that projection holds up:( WE've lost_and continue to lose_generations of Black youths (in particular, young Black males) to senseless and Violent street deaths, drug related crimes and recurrent incarceration. As a people WE are in CRISIS and if WE don't wake-up, get it together and STOP the madness, we'll soon be outnumbered by Asians_smh.


Things go in ebbs and tides. But so what?Does it really matter who's in or out the majority?

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