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The 911 call made by a security officer at the Beverly Hilton hotel after Whitney Houston was found face down in a bathtub on February 11th has finally been released.

The audio depicts a scene of panic and confusion at the hotel, where it appears hotel security was initially unaware the woman in question was singer Whitney Houston.

“I need paramedics, apparently I’ve got a 46-year-old female, found in the bathroom,” a man identifying himself as “security from the Beverly Hilton” first informed the 911 operator. He went on to admit, “That’s all I’ve got right now, but they’re requesting paramedics,” adding, “I’m not sure if she fell, or if she was in the bathroom with the water.”

When asked if the female in need of medical assistance is “conscious or breathing”, the hotel employee said, “Apparently she wasn’t breathing.” The 911 operator then asked, “But she’s breathing now?” to which the caller said, “I don’t know.” He added a few seconds later, “The person that called me was irate and pretty much out of it.”

When the 911 operator asked if he could be patched through to the room to provide CPR instructions over the phone, the hotel security replied, “No, because she keeps hanging up on us.” The dispatcher then promised to get emergency personnel to the hotel right away.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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