Comments on: WHO WON THE BUDGET BATTLE? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:57:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 11 Apr 2011 12:36:29 +0000 Well. IMO, this appears to be less a victory for either side and more like a truce…and a 5 month truce at that. Let's face took them months to cut just a small piece of the overall budget and those very same issues will be back on the table in September when Congress is expected to pass budget for next year. IOW: The worst (in tems of fighting) is yet to come.But if the President is smart and continues to govern in a serious manner, he'll present his own long-term plan for reducing the deficit by taking.." *a scalpel, not a machete,* to programs like Medicare and education services and try once again to extract more taxes from the wealthiest Americans."It will be the Obama Plan versus the Ryan Plan. Let's just say there are already some MAJOR problems with the Ryan Plan.
