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Last week, Steve Jobs introduced the iPad as something magical.  Since then, many tech  experts and savvy consumers seem underwhelmed, with some calling it the most inessential product they’ve ever seen.  The iPad may one day morph into a product we all can’t live without.  But right now it doesn’t seem to be there just yet.  So here now are 5 reasons why the iPad might be a Must-NOT buy for many:


TOUCHSCREEN – I recognize how touchscreen technology is the wave of the future.  But I also recognize how easy it could be to accidentally input a command when your thumb is holding the sides!  And unless you’re lying on the couch with your knees propping it up, typing on the iPad’s on-screen keyboard will be extremely awkward to use for most.

NO MULTI-TASKING – This is perhaps the biggest deal breaker. If the iPad is supposed to be a replacement for Netbooks, how can it possibly not have multitasking?  Listening to Pandora while writing a Pages document, or using the Facebook app while browsing the web, or having AIM open at the same time as email will be virtually impossible in its current form.

NO CAMERA – There is no front or back facing camera.  Which means the iPad cannot handle video iChat like my laptop already does.  This would have been a killer feature for the iPad, but Apple missed the mark here.

VIDEO LIMITS – While the iPad can play 720p video, it can only output (at best) 576p and 480p.  So no using your iPad to send the output of a 720p video to your  HDTV. Also, in a world where technology is rapidly moving exclusively to widescreen format, the iPad is oddly reverting to the older 4×3 standard. Yes, apps running double-sized will fit the screen better, but there will be thicker black bars on the sides of just about every movie you watch.  There also doesn’t appear to be any way to watch those nice HD videos you download from the iTunes Store on your TV, since there is no HDMI/HD Video Out.

NO FLASH – Going without Flash on the iPhone or iPod Touch is annoying but not a deal breaker.  But going without Flash on the iPad, which is supposed to be closer to a Netbook or laptop is lunacy.  It will leave huge, gaping holes in the needed ability to view websites that require flash to enjoy.  If you buy an iPad, say goodbye to streaming video!

The iPad doesn’t seem to do anything revolutionary that any of our other already owned devices don’t already do.  It doesn’t replace an iPhone and it doesn’t replace a laptop.  In fact, you still need a laptop to sync the iPad to.  And outside of Wi-Fi, you’ll need a monthly 3G plan from AT&T just to use it.  So, why would anyone need this device?

BOTTOM LINE:  Keep your iPhone.  Keep your laptop.  Keep your money in your pocket and wait until Apple makes the iPad a much better and more essential device in a future version.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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