Former Democratic presidential nominee and current Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry appears to be headed toward getting his wish — as President Obama’s choice to be the next Secretary of State.
U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice was Mr. Obama’s first choice, but she removed her name from consideration late last week after her words on the Benghazi attacks seemed to become a distraction. Supporters of Rice were angry at Republican Sens. John McCain and Lindsay Graham for calling her “unqualified” and at President Obama for seeming to leave her twisting in the wind before actually nominating her. But with bigger battles to face, including the impending fiscal cliff debate, the president seemed unwilling to spend all of his political capital on Rice.
Instead of promoting Rice from U.N. Ambassador to Secretary of State, Mr. Obama could move her to the coveted White House position of National Security Adviser — a definite upgrade and a job that doesn’t require Senate confirmation.
If selected, Kerry would face a swift and easy confirmation process. He would replace the ailing Hillary Clinton, who is healing from a concussion after suffering a fainting spell over the weekend. A stomach virus, a grueling travel schedule and overall exhaustion seems to have taken a toll on Clinton, who says she is very ready to return to private life.
As Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations committee and a former Democratic contender for president with strong international experience and respect, John Kerry is well suited to head the State Dept. Although very supportive of the senator, Democrat leaders say the Republican derailment of Rice and quiet support for Kerry was nothing more than a trick. If Kerry gets confirmed and leaves the Senate, the GOP could gain a political opportunity to get former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown back on Capitol Hill, meaning a seat gained for the GOP. But with the Democratic majority already at 55, one less senate seat won’t make very much of a difference.
its too bad what they did to Susan Rice. Especially when they called her unqualified. This lady is a Rhodes Scolar. The whole thing was political just to open up Kerry's seat for a Repub. There will be bigger things coming up for Susan Rice though. I hope they do make her the National Security Adviser. Also haven't heard anything about Hillary since she fainted. Hope she's ok and this isn't a sign for her not to run for president again.
FULL Disclosure: I've admitted before that I'm not impressed with Ambassador Rice. And having recently done some real research on her rise to the top, I have to say there's some stuff there that gives me further reservations about her competence…perhaps even her character.
Read: "Africa: Susan Rice and Africa's Unholy Trinity" http://allafrica.com/stories/201212140670.html
I heard about this yesterday from another article. There must be something about her Obama is impressed with though or she wouldn't be in there. Repubs were fighting against her just so they can get that senate seat if Kerry goes in. Nobody else was bringing any of this other stuff up. Anyway it doesn't matter because she withdrew and Kerry looks like he's going in.
"There must be something about her Obama is impressed with though or she wouldn't be in there."
Lol @myself. Okay BD. You force me to tread where I didn't want to.
I think our President is a bit *Color-struck.* I notice that Michelle is the ONLY truly dark-skinned woman around him. Am I being unfair? Perhaps. But sadly, I don't think so.
I think the President is primarily imrpressed with Ms. Rice because (1) She's the *right* skin-complexion (Black but not too Black) and (2) she's a product of the *right* pedigree (family and academic).