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Why Is Michele Bachmann Quitting Congress?

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Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead!

Crazy woman Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, the Minnesota Republican and former presidential candidate, has announced that this will be her last year in congress and that she will not seek reelection to a 5th term.  But why?

“After a great deal of thought and deliberation, I have decided next year, I will not seek a fifth Congressional term,” Bachmann said in a video statement posted on her website.

Marcus Bachmann

Bachmann is known as an ultra conservative, whose pro life and anti-gay stance has made her somewhat of a laughing stock in political circles.  She is married to Marcus Bachmann, who was under fire last year for running a counseling business that supposedly cured homosexuality, even though he is widely assumed to be gay himself.

Naturally, Bachmann warned her supporters to prepare for an all-out assault by the “lame-stream media” to put a negative spin on her choice to step down. She also assured them that her decision was not influenced by concerns she would lose a re-election bid, or by a recent probe into the ethics of her 2012 presidential campaign.

“After serious consideration, I am confident that this is the right decision.”

There’s more to this Bachmann story than meets the eye.  No one runs for president one year, then completely drops out of their greatest political accomplishment the next.  Stay tuned — the truth shall soon come to the light!

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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