Current Events
Although numerous Republican pundits who heartily backed Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in 2008 have been trying to argue that her surprise resignation would help her in a Presidential bid in 2012, the Weekly Standard‘s Fred Barnes had a different take:
Forget about Sarah Palin as the Republican presidential candidate in 2012 and probably ever. She may have no interest in seeking the GOP nomination. But if she does, her chances of winning the nomination have been minimized by her decision to resign as governor of Alaska. She’s knocked out one of three legs of the presidential stool and a second one is wobbly.
In response to Barnes’ comments, Steve Benen of The Washington Monthly had this to say: “When a shameless Republican cheerleader like Barnes believes Palin has done serious damage to her own, brief career in politics, it’s a strong hint that Friday’s bizarre announcement hasn’t been well received among party sycophants.”
Truer words have never been spoken. Even the usually Republican-friendly FOX NEWS took a jab at Sarah Palin, when commentator Liz Trotta went off message to say “the woman is inarticulate, undereducated.” Ouch! WATCH:
Truer words have never been spoken. Even the usually Republican-friendly FOX NEWS took a jab at Sarah Palin, when commentator Liz Trotta went off message to say “the woman is inarticulate, undereducated.” Ouch! WATCH:
Sarah Palin was thrown into the spot light too soon. I don't think she was ever ready for the high scrutiny. Whatever reason she quit even her own party doesn't like her. Unless she wants to run for lesser office I'm pretty sure her political career is over.
A few months before Palin was bamboozled into joining the McCain scam_Ooops, I mean campaign _she did an interview; I saw it. She didn’t come across as a “pit-bull” at all. In fact, she spoke somewhat favorably of then Presidential candidate Obama and his message of “Change.”The truth is, IF Palin had not been willing to PLAY the “game” as required by the McCain campaign and the Republican hierarchy to win the Presidency, I could almost feel sorry for the woman_ ALMOST. But she did sell-out. She threw in with those “good ole boys”; their not-so-brilliant strategy was a colossal FAILURE and in the end, McCain and company quickly threw her to the dogs. Now her azz is reeling from the disastrous consequences of having trusted those cretins in the first place. The poor woman was completely OUT of her league from jump AND everybody knew it _EXCEPT her and her supporters__smh.BTW: I think McCain should be run OUT of the Senate for risking the future of this country by nominating Palin as his VP. IMO, it was the treasonous act of a “Traitor.”