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Will Amazon’s ‘Prime Air’ Ever Fly?

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Will Amazon’s ‘Prime Air’ Ever Fly?
Imagine walking out of your home one day, looking into the sky, then seeing a small drone fly by carrying a box marked “Amazon.”  Sound farfetched?  Not if Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has anything to do with it.

Latest Technology In Computers
Earlier this week, Bezos appeared on the CBS program “60 Minutes” to announce extremely high tech plans he’s working on for the future of online delivery via Amazon.  Customers would place an order on, then receive their 10 pounds or less package via drone within 30 minutes.  Wow! The orders would be completed by strategically placed Amazon fulfillment centers located throughout the country and would be within a 30 minute drone flight to just about everyone.

The concept is not necessarily a new idea, as companies as large as FedEx have at least tossed around the idea before.  But don’t expect to see a drone delivery to your door anytime soon.  The FAA would have to run years of tests on such a concept to prevent mid air crashes, weather delays, or the possibility of a package dropping on your head.  It’s also very unlikely they’ll ever approve such an idea at all. With the huge business Amazon does, can you picture literally thousands of drones flying in the skies at one time?

Still, it’s exciting to see us inching more and more toward “The Jetson’s” age, huh?

OK WASSUP! discusses the latest current events, including Amazon’s future plans to deliver packages via drones in under 30 minutes.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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