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Apple TV Brings Digital Content To The Big Screen
With network and cable television reportedly in a death spiral, Apple, Inc., maker of the mega-successful iPod, iPhone, and Mac computers, is reportedly about to jump into the fray.
Several years ago Apple released the APPLE TV, a device that can stream movies or TV shows to you when YOU want them, as well as allow you to watch YouTube and other web video services.  APPLE TV has remained a slow seller and virtually unchanged over the years, but some tech insiders say we should expect an imminent rebirth.  Apple may soon reinvent TV the way it reinvented music, by allowing us to drop cable TV all together and just watch whatever TV shows we want, whenever WE want to watch them.
Most TV shows are already made available on the web merely hours after its first broadcast. So if APPLE TV becomes the device it is rumored to be, we may soon be able to just turn on our TV and watch whatever show we want at any time of the day or night — without the need for network or cable service whatsoever.  Wouldn’t that be sweet?



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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