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Those are the words of conservative radio host Michael Savage, who is so against any concept of a Gingrich presidency, that he has publicly offered the former House Speaker 1 million dollars if he will simply drop out of the race and disappear into obscurity.  WOW!

Savage is afraid that conservative voters, who have proven they want anybody but Romney, may actually hand the nomination to Gingrich for lack of a better candidate. But Savage is convinced that if it comes down to a contest between Newt Gingrich and Barack Obama, there will be 4 more years of an Obama administration, which troubles him.

Conservative talker Glenn Beck also wants Gingrich gone yesterday, agreeing with Savage that the only reason any smart voter would not vote for Obama over Gingrich is because of the color of his skin.  OUCH!

Could the Republican party be in any more disarray?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. <span>And I suspect BY NOW both Savage and Beck are a bit taken aback by the vicerol backlash both are experiencing as a result of their recent comments. It seems the very *Beast* (right-wing base voters) that Beck, Savage, Limbaugh, Rove_and MANY other Repub elite cohorts_have been feeding toxic red-meat to all these years (to destroy "the Others") have now broke free and are beginning to turn on them with a Vengence.   But I honestly don't know whether to laugh OR cry at the madness unfolding in that party(?)     On the one hand: The GOP *establishment* deserves EVERY THING that's happening….couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch. Though I still don't think they quite Get.It. They control NOTHING anymore. It hardly matters who wins the GOP nomination this time (Gingrich or Romney or heck even Ron Paul seems to be gaining steam).   As I see it: The GOP is now controlled by a very Fractured and ANGRY and Dangerous *base* who trusts no one anymore_and I do mean No One…NOT even Ailes and his hacks over at Faux News.</span><span></span><span>The Repub *base* thrives on ignorance, Fear, paranoia and Hate, Thanks to 30 yrs of being used, exploited and manipulated by a cynical and arrogant and quite vile Repub *establishment* whose actions IMO have been nothing short of VULGAR, even Treasonous.   OTOH: I worry about the future of My country. </span>

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