GOP Hates Obama
December 9, 2014
Unbiased Political News
We all know the Republican Party can often be a bit wacko, but this takes the cake. In an apparent hissy fit over the president’s stance on immigration, several members are making it publicly known that they have a personal vendetta and intend to make Mr. Obama’s remaining 2 years a living hell.
Republican congressman Tim Huelskamp of Kansas has spearheaded a movement to drastically decrease the budgets for White House operations, including one which would limit the use of Air Force One. Other conservatives have mentioned censuring the president, impeaching him or suing the administration over its immigration actions.
“I’d rather defund Air Force One,” Huelskamp said. “Congress took a 19 percent cut on its budgets. We should do the same for the White House.”
Republican congressman Paul C. Broun of Georgia took matters a step further, calling for Speaker Boehner to not invite President Obama to deliver the State of the Union address next year.
“In the spirit of George Washington, he could send it to us in writing. It’d save some time,” Huelskamp added.
Unbiased Political News
Not to be outdone, the newly-elected Republican governor of Texas, Greg Abbot, announced his plans to sue President Obama on behalf of his state. Despite a myriad of statewide problems, Abbot’s first concrete plans as governor do not include job growth nor budgetary considerations, but a lawsuit against the President of the United States. Interestingly, since Mr. Obama took office in 2009, Abbot has sued the federal government 30 times. Suing the president over immigration will be his 31st.
Republicans spent the last 6 years being obstructionists to the nation’s first black president. Now that they’ve been given the power to run both houses of congress, they intend to ramp up their antics to further derail him. The party that once completely shut down the United States government to stomp its feet over Obamacare, is now preparing to defund the Executive Branch of the United States government simply because they don’t like the man sitting in the Oval Office. Hmmm…
You asked for it, America… and you got it!
"It's no secret that the GOP really hates President Obama."
You're right DJ. It's no secret.
The truth is, hatred for Obama, especially among Repubs, began rearing it's ugly racist head during his first run for the presidency and frankly have never let up. Even when the Democrats controlled all 3 branches (the White House, U.S. Senate and House of Representatives) the Repubs spared this president NOTHING.
They've fought him (politically) and disrespected him (and his family) in every way imaginable in their never-ending quest to try and diminish him as a Man and discredit his Presidential legacy.
In short- When it comes to how the Repubs treat President Obama, their hate for him is nothing new.
Truth basically said what I was thinking. They already called the man a muslim and a terrorist, they said he's not a citizen and invalid to be president, they drew a cartoon of Michelle as a ape and of him eating watermelon, they made fun of the kids. So none of this even surprises me anymore. The Repubs are a bad joke.