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There’s been yet another senseless shooting — this time in Texas.

The scene was yesterday near the Texas A&M campus in College Station, where 3 people, including a police officer and the suspected gunman, were killed.  Also, 4 others, including 3 police officers and a female civilian, were wounded.

The 35-year-old gunman, identified as Thomas “Tres” Caffall, was shot and taken to College Station Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.  Chris Northcliff, a 43-year-old College Station resident, was also shot and killed in the “gunfight.”

The shooting began when Brian Bachmann, a 41-year-old Brazos County constable, attempted to serve an eviction notice.  But when College Station police officers responded to the off-campus house shortly after noon, they found Bachmann on the ground.

“It appears that the shooter [was] shooting from a house with semi-automatic weapons,” a local television station reported.

According to the police report, the suspect “engaged the officers with gunfire over a period of approximately 30 minutes before he was shot by a College Station officer.”

Yesterday’s shooting comes just over a week after 7 people, including the suspected gunman, were killed in a mass shooting at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, WS, and less than a month after a gunman opened fire at an Aurora, CO, movie theater during a midnight screening of “Dark Knight Rises,” killing 12 and wounding 58.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Once again, it seems, THIS is case of a severely mentally-ill person who had plenty of access to GUNS, even braged about it, but I'm betting he had little to no acsess to appropriate MH care, despite the fact that HUGE red flags were all around this guy!?! Last week I asked 2 questions right here on OK Wassup!, on a related topic:     1. Why are WE (as a nation and society) content to let mentally-ill people suffer? And…2.  How many MORE of these tragedies are WE willing to bare?

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