With yesterday’s primary election setting the tone for what’s to come, lawmakers and political party leaders are deeply concentrating on the looming fall election in November.
Democrats hold the rare trifecta of controlling the White House, the Senate and the House. Yet with the economy still on life support and unemployment at an all time high, voters will likely hold the party in charge responsible for the nation’s ills — the Democrats. Which means many who returned to work in Washington just after Labor Day, will soon be sent back home for good following the November election. And Democrats could possibly lose control of the House, the Senate, or both.
As grim as this scenario may seem for some Democrats, it may actually be a blessing in disguise for the White House. Voters put Democrats in control of all branches of government, but little has changed. And although Republicans and George W. Bush are mainly at fault for the economic mess we’re currently in, it is the Democrats who were handed the task of fixing it, but until now have failed. So naturally, voters will hold Democrats responsible. But if Republicans retake control of the House or Senate, President Obama would suddenly have a nemesis within government to share the blame with. And this could be just the set-up he needs to glide toward reelection to the presidency in 2 short years.
Despite controlling all areas of government, Democrats have had an extremely hard time reaching compromise within their own ranks to get a lot done. Infighting between liberals and the more centrist Blue-Dog Democrats slowed a lot of progress and voters took notice. President Obama has also not had the power of persuasion he believed his natural charisma would provide, particularly within his own party. So it’s a foregone conclusion that Democrats will in some way be held accountable come November. But if Republicans gain seats or even retake the House or Senate, yet are themselves unable to quickly fix the economy or unemployment, voters will take notice of that too. And their failures combined with the bully pulpit of the presidency could be just the ticket for a 2nd term of the Obama administration.
Publicly, the White House is supporting all Democratic candidates this fall. But privately, they may be hoping some of these anti-agenda Democrats are returned to private life. Letting Republicans control at least one branch of government would give President Obama an easy punching bag — and an easy target to blame if things don’t improve. And although this may not be so good for Democrats in the congressional House, it could prove beneficial for one particular Democrat in a more important House — the White one at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
The truth is DJ, I don’t think it really matters anymore which Party occupies the White House or controls the Senate or Congress. The two Parties long ago sold Us out, doing the bidding of THEIR masters (Lobbyists for the rich, super rich, the military industrial complex and a handful of other “special interests” groups). They’ve d*mn near destroyed this country and they just DON’T care.However, IMO, the answer to America’s frustration with government is NOT the “Tea Party.” That Party is in essence, the 1960s Goldwater Party revisited and it OWNS the Republican Party. Which is to say that despite whatever gains the Repubs may make in Nov. 2010, the Republican Party as we’ve known it IS DEAD.But frankly: I feel that the intense ANGER expressed by the Tea Party towards the political establishment, in general, IS justified. The problem with the Tea Party is its mob-like and Neanderthal mentality. Those people are scary! They will nominate an out-and-out CHARLATAN, and/or NUT and/or IDIOT just to prove the point that “it’s better to stand on principal and lose than to compromise and win”……!?! It makes absolutely NO sense_smh. Anyway: Unless “WE The People” wake up, STAND UP and fight to RESTORE Our government to some semblance of honesty, integrity and effectiveness, I believe America’s decline, and the decline of Our standard of living will be even more profound! So what’s the answer? Let’s start with this: Mandatory TERM LIMITS and a viable THIRD Party.
I'm with you Truth. Its time we need a third party because the Democrats and Republicans aren't handling business at all. There too married to special interest to get things done.I been a Democrat all my life. But I'm not looking forward to voting for these knuckleheads.