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Piers Morgan of CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight” had quite the on-air run in with journalist Touré.

Piers Morgan, who is Caucasian and from England, attempted to take to task the African-American Touré for some critical remarks the writer, author, and social commentator made about Morgan via his Twitter account earlier in the week. Touré was verbally and openly displeased with Morgan’s  interview of Robert Zimmerman Jr. (the brother of George Zimmerman). According to Touré, Morgan allowed Zimmerman to “spout unchallenged lies further poisoning a tense moment in history. Be Professional,” Touré chastised.  OUCH!

Fighting words ensued, resulting in an intense, no-holds-barred Twitter war that spilled over onto the airwaves Friday night.  A string of personal insults and hard feelings followed, which had the Internet buzzing all weekend. WATCH:




DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. <span><span><span>I happened to catch this exchange on CNN in real-time and frankly I'm gonna have to concur with Big Simba (over at wheresmy40acres) on this one: </span></span></span><span><span><span></span></span></span><span><span><span></span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>"Toure should have stayed home on this one. While I don't agree with everything Piers Morgan has done concerning the Trayvon Martin Case, Toure completely lost this fight. Once the Zimmermanning-Me card was pulled, it was pretty much a wrap. I don't care how many Emmett Tills Toure throws out in the discussion."</span></span></span><span><span><span></span></span></span><span><span><span></span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>Source: <span>… </span></span></span></span><span><span><span></span></span></span><span><span><span></span></span>Sadly, the very thing I feared would happen IS happening. Most of the tenor of discussions regarding this case has DEVOLVED into an "Us (meaning Blacks) against them" (meaning Whites) _OR, if you will "Them" against "Us." At this point, it appears to me, that Trayvon's parents have allowed themselves to be *used* _exploited_by people who are motivated primarily by their OWN agenda.    I'm sick of BOTH sides (pro Zimmerman AND anti-Zimmerman) and I believe a RARE moment in American history on *Race* relations is, yet again, about to be lost. </span>

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