LA Times Eviscerates Donald Trump

Current Events –
LA Times Eviscerates
Donald Trump
Donald Trump is a “train wreck.”
Those are the words of the LA Times in a scathing editorial published Sunday against the man who appears to be playing president.
Current Events
Make no mistake, the LA Times did not mince words nor hesitate to state that the most worrisome problem for Trump is Trump himself. The periodical made clear that any hopes Trump would transform by the very weight of the office were misplaced. They also called him reckless, petulant, full of blind self-regard, and untethered to reality.
Check out segments of the LA Times editorial below:
It was no secret during the campaign that Donald Trump was a narcissist and a demagogue who used fear and dishonesty to appeal to the worst in American voters. The Times called him unprepared and unsuited for the job he was seeking, and said his election would be a “catastrophe.”
Still, nothing prepared us for the magnitude of this train wreck. Like millions of other Americans, we clung to a slim hope that the new president would turn out to be all noise and bluster, or that the people around him in the White House would act as a check on his worst instincts, or that he would be sobered and transformed by the awesome responsibilities of office.
Instead, seventy-some days in — and with about 1,400 to go before his term is completed — it is increasingly clear that those hopes were misplaced.
In a matter of weeks, President Trump has taken dozens of real-life steps that, if they are not reversed, will rip families apart, foul rivers and pollute the air, intensify the calamitous effects of climate change and profoundly weaken the system of American public education for all.
His attempt to de-insure millions of people who had finally received healthcare coverage and, along the way, enact a massive transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich has been put on hold for the moment. But he is proceeding with his efforts to defang the government’s regulatory agencies and bloat the Pentagon’s budget even as he supposedly retreats from the global stage.
What is most worrisome about Trump is Trump himself. He is a man so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard, so untethered to reality that it is impossible to know where his presidency will lead or how much damage he will do to our nation. His obsession with his own fame, wealth and success, his determination to vanquish enemies real and imagined, his craving for adulation — these traits were, of course, at the very heart of his scorched-earth outsider campaign; indeed, some of them helped get him elected. But in a real presidency in which he wields unimaginable power, they are nothing short of disastrous.
Where will this end? Will Trump moderate his crazier campaign positions as time passes? Or will he provoke confrontation with Iran, North Korea or China, or disobey a judge’s order or order a soldier to violate the Constitution? Or, alternately, will the system itself — the Constitution, the courts, the permanent bureaucracy, the Congress, the Democrats, the marchers in the streets — protect us from him as he alienates more and more allies at home and abroad, steps on his own message and creates chaos at the expense of his ability to accomplish his goals?
The Sunday article was only the first in a 4-part series the LA Times has scheduled for this week. Be sure to check out their remaining stories on “The Donald.”
Thanks so much DJ. I was really hoping that you'd seen this and would post about it.
I read it on Sunday and was blown away by the frank Honesty of the entire article, from start to finish.
Btw- It's a four part series, which began with Part I on Sunday- "Our Dishonest President.
Yesterday was Part II – "Why Trump Lies"
Today is Part III – "Trump's Authoritarian Vision"
Tomorrow, Part IV, hasn't been posted yet.
My pleasure, Truthiz1. I often encounter so many daily stories on Donald Trump that it's sometimes difficult to select which story to focus on for the day. However, the LA Times piece was a true work of art that simply could not be ignored.
Thank you for reminding me that the story was only Part 1 in a 4 part series. I neglected to state that in the original post, however, I have since updated it to reflect the correct info!
– DJ
Thank you!