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Winnie Mandela, ‘Mother’ Of South Africa

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She was married to one of the greatest civil rights activist of all time. She was herself an activist for social change. She was considered the “mother” of South Africa. She was Winnie Mandela.

Current Events
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, the ex-wife of anti-apartheid activist and former South African President Nelson Mandela, passed away earlier this week after a lengthy illness. Today, she is being remembered as an iconic figure for the history books.

‘Winnie was a rebel within a rebellion’ – former South African intelligence minister Ronnie Kasrils said. “Winnie’s legacy and her persona is actually going to last a lot longer than a lot of others‚ including‚ save for (President) Madiba‚ all our presidents‚” he added.

“I am not saying that in a bitter way‚ but she was larger than life.”

Winnie Mandela was indeed larger than life.

Winnie Mandela

After marrying Nelson Mandela in 1958, she served as his outside voice and the face of the anti-apartheid movement for the entire 27 years of his imprisonment. When Nelson Mandela was released from prison and became president of South Africa, she was the first black “First Lady” of the racially divided nation.

When her marriage to President Mandela ended, she was appointed Deputy Minister of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology and remained very active with the African National Congress (ANC), until a scandal forced her to the sidelines.

Winnie Mandela passed away on April 2nd in Johannesburg. She was 81.


OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Winnie Mandela remembered in death.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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After marrying Nelson Mandela in 1958, she served as his outside voice and the face of the anti-apartheid movement for the entire 27 years of his imprisonment. When Nelson Mandela was released from prison and became president of South Africa, she was the first black “First Lady” of the racially divided nation. […] -DJ

Winnie Madikizela-Mandela leaves behind a *mixed” history (good and bad) to be sure.

However, I think DJ’s opening paragraph sums up, beautifully, the most essential part of her legacy in South African history, overall.

May She Rest. In. Peace.


On a related note…….. A condolence letter sent from *Chief Olusegun Obasanjo to South African Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa (and released to the public on Thurs.) dated April 3, 2018, reads in part: “It is with profound sense of sympathy that I write, on behalf of my family and on my own behalf, to commiserate with you and the entire good people of South Africa over the painful transition of Mrs. Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. “She was a front-line women leader, an activist, an indomitable fighter for the liberation of South Africa from apartheid and oppressive racialism, a stateswoman per excellence, a tireless advocate of the preservation of the mystique of Africa’s moral and cultural values, who had selflessly dedicated herself to public service for most of her life. “Winnie was, without doubt, one of the greatest women to have walked the African earth. ​”The death of a leader of Mrs. Winnie Mandela’s… Read more »

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