Wisconsin Halts The Trump Train
Politics –
Wisconsin Halts The Trump Train
The “Donald Trump Train” got derailed Tuesday night, after the State of Wisconsin dealt a huge blow to the GOP frontrunner.
As political pundits universally expected, Trump lost the critical state to challenger Ted Cruz, 48.8% (33 delegates) to Trump’s 34.5% (3 delegates). An elated Cruz celebrated his single win by acting as if he’d won the nomination and was already in a heated race against Hillary Clinton.
“Tonight is a turning point,” Cruz told a cheering crowd at his victory rally. “It is a call from the hardworking people of Wisconsin to America. We have a choice. A real choice.” He added: “I am more and more convinced that our campaign is going to earn the 1,237 delegates needed to win the Republican nomination, either before Cleveland or at the convention, together we will win the majority of the delegates and together we will beat Hillary Clinton in November.”
Despite the win by Cruz, the story of the night was still about the loss by Trump.
The cause of Trump’s demise was the result of a concerted effort by Republican Party operatives, who created the #NeverTrump movement and made it their life’s passion to halt “The Donald’s” stampede over the party, to prevent him at all costs from reaching the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the nomination, and to force a brokered convention so that anybody not named Trump becomes the eventual nominee.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker led efforts in his state to drive all resources toward the candidacy of Ted Cruz, not because he believes Cruz is the best man to be president, but because he believes Trump is the worst man to be president. Those efforts were in conjunction with the decision by Ohio Gov. John Kasich to remain in the race by any means necessary and to put an end once and for all to the rise of one Donald Trump.
Following the loss in Wisconsin, the bitter Trump campaign issued the following statement:
Donald J. Trump withstood the onslaught of the establishment yet again. Lyin’ Ted Cruz had the Governor of Wisconsin, many conservative talk radio show hosts, and the entire party apparatus behind him. Not only was he propelled by the anti-Trump Super PAC’s spending countless millions of dollars on false advertising against Mr. Trump, but he was coordinating `with his own Super PAC’s (which is illegal) who totally control him. Ted Cruz is worse than a puppet— he is a Trojan horse, being used by the party bosses attempting to steal the nomination from Mr. Trump. We have total confidence that Mr. Trump will go on to win in New York, where he holds a substantial lead in all the polls, and beyond. Mr. Trump is the only candidate who can secure the delegates needed to win the Republican nomination and ultimately defeat Hillary Clinton, or whomever is the Democratic nominee, in order to Make America Great Again.
Can anyone say sore loser?
As of today, Donald Trump still remains the GOP presidential frontrunner, however his path to the nomination became just a bit more difficult with Tuesday’s Wisconsin results. Still, that may not stop the egomaniacal Trump, who continues to threaten to run as a 3rd Party candidate if Republicans rebuff him. Stay tuned…
On the Democratic side, Sen. Bernie Sanders trounced Hillary Clinton on Tuesday night in Wisconsin.
Sen. Sanders captured 56.3% (45 delegates) of the vote, compared to 43.4% (31 delegates) for Mrs. Clinton. The results were widely expected since the Clinton campaign had long since ceded Wisconsin to Sanders and began focusing their efforts on the upcoming New York primary.
“With our victory tonight in Wisconsin, we have now won seven out of the last eight caucuses and primaries, and we have won almost all of them with overwhelming landslide numbers,” a jubilant Sanders said during victory remarks. “What momentum is about is that at this time in contemporary politics when every major candidate has a Super PAC, we have said no to Super PACs.”
Although Tuesday’s victory gave hope to the Sanders campaign, it was much more of a moral victory that did little to nothing in moving the goal post. In reality, his path to the Democratic nomination continues to remain a long shot.
Despite the win by Cruz, the story of the night was still about the loss by Trump. […]
Again. You got that right DJ..!
The GOPe can't stand Cruz but they absolutely Despise Trump….and would rather lose (the general) with Cruz as their
nominee than let Trump even smell the nomination which would undoubtedly destroy what little is left of the Republican party.
And since I believe in giving credit where credit is due….lol
Trump himself is at least as responsible for this major defeat as the collective efforts of the '#NeverTrump/#StopTrump groups. He's the gift that keeps on giving to his opposition – See his response to this loss – it was true to form; predictably juvenile and angry. The poor man simply cannot help himself…smh.
Re: Bernie's win
It was a solid win. But as DJ pointed out in his post, it does "little to nothing" to change the probable outcome of the Dem race.
I expect Hillary to win New York and California. Bernie may give her a run for her money in my home state of PA with the support
he'll get from the working-class white voters who reside in the "little Alabama" part of this state.
But I still expect Hillary to win the nomination.
On a related note……………..
Regular readers of OK WASSUP! know that ….though I've always held to the belief that Kasich would actually be the biggest threat to Hillary, I have also held to the belief that the chance of him actually winning the Repub nomination is slim to None.
I know the reason he's given for staying in the race thus far. But after a really poor showing in Wisconsin yesterday (a state he should have done better in) does he really still believe he's going to be able to gain enough support at the Repub Convention to secure the nomination?
TAC writer:
It is vanishingly unlikely that the convention in Cleveland will nominate John Kasich no matter what happens from here on out. It’s very hard for me to believe that Kasich doesn’t actually know that. Maybe he’s running for Vice President, in which case the rational thing for him to do is run up his delegate count as high as he can and sell it to the highest bidder – whether Trump, Cruz or the party leaders looking for a white knight to save the party from both. In any event, we’ll know whether Kasich really is a party man, being strategic in the effort to stop Trump, or whether he’s just being stubborn, by what he does at the end of the month. I’m betting he’s just being stubborn. [….] – Noah Millman
I get Kasich game. He knows there is no way he can win out right. But if nobody gets enough delegates all the delegates can switch to somebody else at the convention. That's what the Repubs want. Don't let Trump get enough delegates so they get to pick somebody else at the convention. That's why Kasich is hanging on. Trump and Cruz are going to battle it out but Kasich wants to sneaks in the back way.
I want Trump to keep losing only because I want to see Repubs have a dirty convention fight. But I still want Trump to get the nomination. Hillary or Bernie would kill him.
I don't there's any question now BD…they're going to have an ugly situation on their hands at their Convention because Trump is going to see to that!
He doesn't want to BE president. But he can't handle losing either. And now he knows with certainty that the GOPe is prepared to do whatever it takes to keep him from getting the nomination. Whether that means Cruz or Kasich wins it at the convention is anybody's guess(?)
The Repubs have so screwed themselves now that they're d*mned if they do (give it to Trump) and d*mned if they don't.
Like I said, Trump will see to it that the Repub Convention is as ungly as it can get.
"Trump Ally Roger Stone Says He’ll “Disclose the Hotels and Room Numbers” of Anti-Trump Delegates at Convention"
Donald Trump ally Roger Stone, who was Trump’s closest adviser until he was forced out after his disgusting racist comments came to light, is now threatening to reveal the hotels and room numbers of any anti-Trump delegates at the GOP convention in Cleveland. […] – Charles Johnson at LGF
Roger Stone:
If Trump does not run the table on the rest of the primaries and the caucuses, we’re looking at a very, very narrow path in which the kingmakers go all out to cheat, to steal, and to snatch this nomination from the candidate who is overwhelmingly selected by the voters, which is why I have urged Trump supporters: come to Cleveland. March on Cleveland. Join us in the Forest City. We’re going to have protests, demonstrations. We will disclose the hotels and the room numbers of those delegates who are directly involved in the steal. If you’re from Pennsylvania, we’ll tell you who the culprits are. We urge you to visit their hotel and find them. You have a right to discuss this if you voted in the Pennsylvania primary, for example, and your votes are being disallowed. [….]
So would it be going too far to say that Roger's comment is "a purely fascistic move, with an implicit threat of violence"..?
Donald Trump Campaign ‘Meltdown’ after Wisconsin Loss, Growing ‘Disarray’
Disarray is growing inside GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s campaign with field staff being cut and an alleged conflict between Trump’s campaign manager and his new delegate strategist, according to Politico.
Following a loss to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in Wisconsin on Tuesday, Trump scheduled a meeting with Paul Manafort, who was recently hired to organize delegate efforts for the billionaire, on Wednesday morning. However, Politico is reporting the meeting could result in conflict, suggesting Manafort and Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski are struggling for power.
“Corey and his people know the knives are out for them,” Politico reports, quoting an anonymous source reportedly close to the Trump campaign, who also called Manafort a “pretty experienced in-fighter.” […] – Breitbart
H/T: RedState
Yeah I read the same article. Everybody's talking about it. Also CNN said this:
"Trump will not win the nomination on the first ballot, and any delegates he does get there will be his high water mark," said #NeverTrump-PAC strategist Rory Cooper. "As this becomes clearer and clearer, he's going to lash out, attempt to delegitimize the rules and get people focused on distractions."
Hi Matt..!
Oh no doubt. Trump is going to act a fool. And the GOPe have nobody but themselves to blame.
Hey thanks for chiming in. The more voices the better.
Lol yeah I read here almost every day. I don't usually say much though.