In a politically divisive and emotionally charged special election, the State of Wisconsin tried but failed last night to recall its Republican governor after only 18 months on the job.
In what many political pundits have called a trial run for the November general election, Gov. Scott Walker won the right to keep his job with 55% of the vote. His Democratic challenger, Mayor Tom Barrett fell short with only 44% of the vote.
Neither President Obama nor presumed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney campaigned with either man in Wisconsin, mostly out of fear of being attached to a loser. In an attempt to maintain distance, President Obama offered a very tepid tweet of support to Mayor Barrett, although he did dispatch former President Bill Clinton to try and help Barrett over the finish line. Romney stayed out of the fray altogether, even though an appearance could have gone a long way in helping him in the historically Democratic state.
According to the Obama campaign, they believed it was in their best interest to simply remain out of the local politics of Wisconsin, despite calls from local Democrats who believed his presence could have made a difference. Political pundits believe Mr. Obama could pay a political price for failing to offer his full support to Barrett when he needed it most.
Republicans are giddy they were able to retain the governor’s mansion in Wisconsin. They also believe their big win last night could be a preview of what’s to come in November.
Could Mitt Romney pull off a surprise in the heavily democratic dairy state? Or was last night’s Republican victory merely a local win that has no connection to the general election?
<span><span>The President and the Dems shouldn't fool themselves. This is a major *WIN* for the Repubs, in general, and for Walker, in particular. He can now move forward with his agenda to cut spending in his state, embolden by the fact that he has the support of most Wisconsin voters. </span> <span></span> <span>The flip-side: This is a major *FAIL* for the Dems, Unions and other anti-Walker/anti-Repub groups, in Wisconsin. It's been said many times, "Perception is Reality in politics" …therefore one should pick one's battles carefully AND be smart about how one plans to defeat their opponent. </span> <span></span> <span>Not only did the efforts of Wisconsin Dems, state employees and teachers unions (urged on in no small measure by the likes of MSNBC's Ed Shultz) fall short. They fell embarrassingly short…smh. </span> <span></span> <span>CBS News: "It’s the first time a U.S. governor has survived a recall attempt." </span> <span></span> <span>At this point in time, I'd say the state of Wisconsin certainly has the POTENTIAL to be in-play come November. Whether that actually comes to fruition? </span> <span></span> <span>We shall see.</span></span>
Yeah this was a big win for the Repubs but all this talk about this means bad news for Obama is ridicules. No matter what Wisconsin is still a Democrat state even though they liked the Republican better for governor. Everybodys trying to stir things up and make up a story when there isn't one. Democrats shouldn't take anything for granted but this doen't mean Wisconsin is a lost cause now.