Trump Threatens To Sue Over Coronavirus Ad

An angry Donald Trump threatens to sue over a new coronavirus ‘hoax’ ad which has portrayed him in a light he doesn’t like: THE TRUTH!
If there’s one thing Donald Trump loathes is when anyone uses his own words against him. Such is the case with a new political ad from Priorities USA which has compiled all of Trump’s claims about the coronavirus being a big fat hoax into one very effective video.
“One day, it’s like a miracle. It will disappear,” Trump boasted along with other self-congratulatory pats on the back. “We really think we’ve done a great job!”
Check out the video below and tell us if you think it’s as effective as we believe it will be.
Check out the video below and tell us if you think it’s as effective as we believe it will be […]-DJ
You’re darn skippy it is! Which obviously is why that dangerous creature in the White House is threatening to sue. Even at his incredibly LOW intelligence level, he’s got enough sense to recognize that Nothing can be more effective in making the case AGAINST one than using one’s OWN words to make that case!
I’ll just call it *Golden Truth.* I like that…lol.
*Golden Truth.* The gold standard of using one’s own words to make the case AGAINST one’s self.
This ad is great. Trump always hates it when people throw his own words back at him. They did a real good job with this.
And I want to be serious here………..
A lot of people have died…including front-line workers who put their lives on the line to help save Us.
A lot of people are dying. An a lot of people WILL die in the days, weeks and months ahead – including front-line workers who put their lives on the line to help save Us.
I’m sick to my stomach on a daily basis just thinking about the needless loss of so many lives!
If that wretched-azz creature in the White House thinks THIS ad is bad, I got news for him…..as the DEAD bodies of American victims of Corona virus continue to pile up…..he AIN’T seen nothing yet!
Amen Truth!
And BD, to say nothing of the number of UNemployed Americans (already totaling at least 10 million) that will no doubt continue to increase.
TAC Reader:
This presidency is over. The fact that these republicans are still talking about a second term is laughable. America ISN’T bending the curve of infection at all at this point. The south isn’t shut down yet. Florida mass exemptions to the national lockdown that include attendance of religious services so you can still pack 1500 people in a room every week.
The unemployment numbers aren’t even the true picture of the devastation because the systems were overwhelmed. There are still more who couldn’t get through to file for unemployment. We should expect to double this unemployment rate by the end of April easily.
This disease is going to ravage the south in a few weeks. I would bet May and June are done as well at minimum. They needed to institute social distancing a month ago if we were going to control the spread. […]
This hit the nail on the head. Amen again.