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Wishlist: Trump And Buddies In Handcuffs

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Do you know what you want for Christmas and into 2018? Have you established a holiday wishlist? Well, I have and let’s just say it’s not very favorable to Donald Trump.

Current Events
If you’re anything like me and would love to get justice and revenge for Christmas, check out the video below (And for extra credit, pay close attention to little details hidden within the video). The depiction of “The Donald” and his hombres in handcuffs is the best gift of all!




OK WASSUP! covers current events:
Holiday wishlist wants Trump in handcuffs.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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“The Donald” and his hombres in handcuffs is the best gift of all! [….]

And honestly I wouldn’t care what time of year it happens as long as it happens. But I’m pulling my own coattail. Mueller may be able to make the case against “the Donald” for obstruction of justice. But we shall see.

When it comes to little Donny Jr. and Jarred Kushner however – I do think it more likely that both men are looking at being charge with at least one felony, if not multiple felonies.


Yes this is on my wishlist too. I can’t wait for it to come true.

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