Donald Trump has borrowed a popular phrase from rapper Drake: “Call me on my cell phone.”
According to the Associated Press, Trump has been giving his personal mobile phone number to the leaders of Canada, France, Mexico, and others, urging them to bypass the formalities (and security) of contacting him on the official White House telephone in favor of calling him on his personal cell phone.
Apparently, no one ever explained to “The Donald” the difference in being President of the Trump Organization and President of the United States. This is the only logical way to explain why he’s clueless to the fact that he can no longer use any old cell phone to discuss US business.
Like everyone else’s mobile device, Trump’s cell phone is unsecured and easily hackable. So, a 5th grader with about $12 bucks worth of equipment could readily tap into his conversations to hear what should understandably be a private discussion. In fact, the ramifications of such an act would be disastrous, however, that hasn’t seemed to register with Donald.
Not only does Trump’s cell phone use break with standard White House security protocol, but it also raises a red flag concerning the security and secrecy of his communications. As national security experts caution, there is a reason presidents always place calls on a secure phone line. Contact between world leaders has traditionally been a process that’s deliberated by experts and planned for in advance. Notes are also taken to provide information to the media about what was discussed. However, Trump says “protocol schmotocol” to doing things the right way.
In what should come as a surprise to no one, this is not the first time Trump’s phone use has raised national security concerns. The Secret Service issued him a secured phone following his inauguration, however, he has stubbornly continued to use an unsecured Android phone to deliver his late night tweets from the White House.

Security experts warn that allowing the leader of the free world to use his personal cell phone to conduct official business is an extremely bad idea.
“If you are speaking on an open line, then it’s an open line, meaning those who have the ability to monitor those conversations are doing so,” Derek Chollet, a former Pentagon adviser and National Security Council official, told the Associated Press.
“It’s not really good for much,” said Larry Johnson, who worked at the Secret Service from 1982 to 2006. “You can’t make a phone call because it’s too easy to be intercepted.
“I can scare you with how easy it is,” he added.
Still, there’s no reasoning with the hard-headed Donald Trump. Since the day he was inaugurated, he and his cronies haven’t given a hoot about such things as presidential and/or national security protocols.
LOL this is funny and sad all at once. Trump just doesn't get it. But this is what you get when you put a self centered businessman in charge who is used to always getting his way. He doesn't think he has to follow any rules. He thinks he is a king.. The sad part is that he is so stupid everyday we are getting numb to it. Pretty soon it is going to seem normal.
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