Current Events

Woman Files Lawsuit…Against Herself!

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March 5, 2015

current events lifestyle
A Utah woman has filed a lawsuit against the driver who caused a car crash that killed her husband. However, the screwy part is the woman has filed the lawsuit against herself!

Current Events
In 2011, Barbara Bagley was driving a car along with her husband, when she lost control of the automobile.  Bagley’s husband was killed when the vehicle flipped and now, Barbara Bagley is accusing Barbara Bagley of “failing to maintain a proper lookout while driving.”

Strangely, Bagley is playing dual roles here in this bizarre lawsuit.  As the representative of her husband’s estate, she is going after the person responsible for his death, which just so happens to be herself.

Utah’s Court of Appeals allowed the suit to proceed earlier last month, after attorneys for Bagley the driver (“whose interests in the case are represented by her insurance carrier,” the Tribnotes) argued unsuccessfully that the case should be dismissed.

“The jury would be asked to determine how much money will fairly compensate Barbara Bagley for the harm she caused herself,” the attorney’s argued. “The jury will be highly confused—it cannot order a person to compensate herself.”

As for the schizophrenic case, no word yet if Barbara Bagley was successful in defeating Barbara Bagley.

OK WASSUP! covers current events, 
including a Utah woman who has filed a lawsuit against herself.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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