Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg began the debate by proclaiming that privacy is dead. But now a few start up companies are taking things a step further by asking the question: WOULD YOU SHARE YOUR ONLINE BROWSER HISTORY WITH THE ENTIRE INTERNET?
A new generation of websites, including Dscover.me, Sitesimon.com and Voyurl.com believe we are all ready and willing to take that next step toward making our lives totally open and public. These sites want to automatically track our personal browsing histories then make them available for any Tom, Dick, or Harry to view publicly. Huh???
Paul Jones, a founder of Dscover.me, said he and his founding partner conceived the site because they were old college friends and wanted a way to better share common interests, from shopping finds to tech news, while living in different parts of the country. According to Jones, their communication would drop off at times. “Then, at one point we just said to each other, ‘What if we could just show each other what we’re reading and watching and shopping for?'” he said.
Well perhaps an open door web browser history is a grand idea for Paul Jones and his friend. But for anyone who seeks to learn more information online about a medical condition such as HIV, or visits a dating/adult site, or is just trying to purchase or plan a surprise for a loved one, their entire browser history could soon become public knowledge for perpetuity and for all to see. Would you do it?