
Ye (Kanye West) Is Now Officially Canceled!

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Apparently, one bizarre act after another has become just too much for the court of public opinion to bear. Kanye West — who now goes by the name ‘Ye’ — has officially been canceled.

Entertainment :
It’s been a horrible week for Ye. Best known for a string of rap hits including “Jesus Walks” and “Gold Digger” and for being married to Kim Kardashian, Ye has seen former friends turn their backs on him and business partners slam doors in his face.  


Unless you’ve been living on the dark side of the moon, you’re aware that the artist formerly known as Kanye (who said in 2018 he believes slavery was a “choice”) is under rapid fire from all ends for 3 recent and extremely damaging events: he created and then wore a WHITE LIVES MATTER t-shirt to a Yeezy Season 9 fashion show; he joined forces with crackpot Candace Owens to purchase the ultra-conservative MAGA/QANON site “Parler,” saying he wanted his fellow conservatives to have a voice; he made anti-Semitic remarks, saying those who are upset at his anti-Blackness are agents “sent” by Jewish people and that he wanted to go “death con 3 on Jewish people.”

with Candace Owens

Now, before we celebrate the downfall of this genius rapper, let’s make it clear that Kanye ‘Ye’ West is suffering from an acute mental illness and is certified bipolar. So, it’s safe to say that he rarely recognizes what he’s doing and saying or the weight of his words.

Nevertheless, that hasn’t stopped almost everyone from cutting ties with the rapper once and for all.

JP Morgan Chase decided they no longer wished to be Ye’s bank of choice. Soon thereafter, French fashion house Balenciaga announced they were cutting ties with the talented rapper and his designs.

Creative Artists Agency (CAA), one of Hollywood’s largest and most powerful representatives of talent opted to no longer work with West. Endeavor/William Morris Agency CEO and entertainment heavy hitter Ari Emanuel urged all companies that do business with the Chicago rapper-producer to sever ties with him. Def Jam Records canceled his deal and dropped him from the label.

Vogue is done with Ye. MRC nixed a documentary film it was working on with him. The GAP decided to terminate its association. Adidas also canceled its reportedly $1.5 billion business relationship with the rapper (effectively ending his boasts of being a billionaire). Additionally, both Twitter and Instagram permanently deleted his accounts and banned him from their platforms.

The late George Floyd’s family said they are planning to file a $250 million lawsuit against Ye after he said during a national podcast that former Minnesota cop Derek Chauvin’s knee “wasn’t even on [George Floyd’s] neck like that.”

His one-time friendships with John Legend, Jay-Z and Beyonce’, and other music icons appears permanently severed.

“I can say antisemitic things and Adidas can’t drop me,” Ye boasted last week. “Now what?” he sneered while taunting the public that his millions of dollars, millions of fans, and high-powered connections made him virtually untouchable and above reproach.

Well, too bad for him but not only could Adidas drop him, but they DID drop him. And so did just about everyone else. In fact, the multiple cancellations after cancellations have all taken an instant toll on Ye’s cash flow and negatively affected his net worth. 


Kanye West has “become so submerged in his ego that he’s essentially deciding to trade off his cultural ubiquity to be a beacon of hate for a small minority of conservatives who desire Black people as lapdogs for their beliefs. He’s also galvanizing Nazis like the ones in L.A. who said he ‘was right’ last weekend,” said Andre Gee of Rolling Stone. “It’s questionable if these people have any interest in buying his clothes, listening to his music, or coming to his shows for the foreseeable future. But these Nazis do want to kill Jewish people, and his recent comments helped push their hateful perspective into the mainstream.”

Gee went on to say he believes Kanye will never be able to make a comeback from this round of dastardly deeds. Sadly, he may be right.

OK WASSUP! discusses Entertainment News:
The fall of Kanye ‘Ye’ West.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. CNN:

    Athletic shoe company Skechers said in a statement Wednesday that two of its executives escorted embattled musician Kanye West from one of its Los Angeles buildings.

    The company said West, who has legally changed his name to Ye, “arrived unannounced and without invitation.” It said he was engaged in “unauthorized filming” and he was escorted out “after a brief conversation.”

    “Skechers is not considering and has no intention of working with West,” the company said in its Wednesday statement. “We condemn his recent divisive remarks and do not tolerate antisemitism or any other form of hate speech.”

    1. The thing with sketchers was embarrassing. Plus the owner is Jewish and Kanye just showed up thinking they would take him because of who he is. I shook my head.

  2. The truth is, my initial opinion of all Kanye’s madness has changed over time to where I am today, which is mixed. So I’ll start with this……..

    He and his mother were extremely close. She was clearly the main stabilizing force for him and her untimely death was and – I would posit – still is traumatic for him. He’s never been able to move forward from that extremally dark and painful place to a place of light and healing.

    Add to that the tragic truth about Mental Health treatment in America which is not now -nor has it ever been – a priority in Our country. As bad as it is for White Americans affected by chronic mental illness it’s 10x time worse for Blacks diagnosed with serious mental illness because of the stigma associated with it.

    In Kanye, I see a Black man whose heart and mind are broken. without his mother and proper treatment, he’s out there all by himself lost at sea like a ship without a sail.

    1. You hit it on the nail Truth. When his mama died he lost everything. She kept a lot of things together for him. But once she was gone he got hooked up with the Kardashians and all they wanted was his money and fame. Nobody has his back anymore. I would not be surprised if he dies a early death like Michael Jackson did.

      1. “I would not be surprised if he dies a early death like Michael Jackson did.”

        That, right there. You said what I’ve been thinking for awhile now BD. And it’s sad!

  3. Now here is my other thought on Kanye………

    Because of all that I mentioned in my first response, imo no successful Black man in America today has done more to destroy all that he worked so hard to build (reputation and financially) then Kanye.

    Trump, MAGA folks and other right-wing haters don’t give a fig about him. But with his mind being so jacked up he’s proven to be a useful tool for them to carry out their agenda of ignorance and hate. He may one day finally agree to seek mental health treatment and stay on his medication which brings me this final thought…..

    His pain and grief and mental illness notwithstanding, ultimately he is responsible for his actions (words and deeds). He’s had more than enough money to get proper care a long time ago and he refuses. Now he’s paying the price!

    1. I am guessing a lot of mentally ill people do not always know they are sick. Like somebody drunk they are the last to know or want to admit it. He has the money and could go get help but he may not realize he needs it.

      1. I’ve worked in the field of mental health for over 20 yrs BD. I can tell you that based on my professional (and even personal family-related) experiences most people do know they are mentally ill but their Refusal to Accept it is the primary barrier to care. They have their reasons for not wanting to accept it.

        In the Black-American community the stigma associated with mental illness is Very real BD. I’ve known people to suffer in silence for years – even die in their suffering- before accepting that they needed help! Much like with Sickle Cell Disease (or HIV, especially when it was first identified).

  4. And just one more thought………

    Assuming it’s true that’s he is affected by Bipolar Disorder then I want to point out that whether Kanye has been diagnosed with Bipolar I or Bipolar II also matters, when it comes to his prescribed treatment and quality of life.

    However, regardless of which diagnoses he’s affected by, both conditions may surely worsen with age, or over time, if left untreated.

  5. A lot of people are making fun of him. But it is sad he has fallen so low. He is very sick and looks like is only getting worse. He has nobody to turn to either.

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