
Young Voters Reject Trump: Says Poll

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Will young voters reject Trump?
Will young voters reject Trump?

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Young Voters Reject Trump: Says Poll

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump may be the belle of the ball within Republican circles, but there’s one group of Americans who are prepared to collectively reject him in November — young voters.

Young voters cartoonDespite media images of hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters, there are still nearly 150 million voters in the U.S. Among those millions are plenty of young voters, who simply just don’t like Trump. Why is this important? Not only are young voters critical to a potential Trump win in the general election, but they’re also critical to the very survival of the GOP for generations to come.

Here are the numbers:

■ In a recent USA Today/Rock the Vote poll, respondents under 35 said they would pick Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump by 52% to 19%. When the respondents were limited to whites only, her lead was still a substantial 45% to 26%.

■  A recent Washington Post/ABC News poll showed Trump and Clinton essentially tied among people 40 and older. However, those under 40 preferred Mrs. Clinton by a nearly 2-to-1 margin.

■  In a national survey led by the Republican pollster Frank Luntz, 1,000 people 18 to 26 were asked: “Out of today’s major political figures, who do you like and respect the most?” Not surprisingly, 31% chose Bernie Sanders, followed by 18% for President Obama.  However, 11% chose Mrs. Clinton, while only 9% selected Trump. According to Luntz, those numbers are a “a chasm of disconnection that renders every prominent national Republican irrelevant with the voting bloc that could control campaigns for the next 30 years.”

Young voters grid

As the 2016 election has already proven, America is changing — and so is American politics.  Older voters (along with their “establishment” and older brand of politics) are dying off. They’re being rapidly replaced by 2 growing voting blocks: Hispanics and young voters.  For these powerful groups of voters, Trump is an alien to them.

According to a young white male who was polled: “All that stuff about people’s race or sexuality or whatever — no one our age cares about any of that.”  Interestingly, the other young voters of varying races all agreed with him.

The message from today’s youth is that Trump’s message of race baiting and ethnic exclusion simply doesn’t resonate with them, since they are more diverse than their parent’s generation.  According to a Pew Research Center report from 2014, “some 43% of millennial adults are non-white, the highest share of any generation,” and that “the racial makeup of today’s young adults is one of the key factors in explaining their political liberalism.”

William Frey of the Brookings Institution agrees with findings regarding young voters. Today’s youth are generally unimpressed with the GOP for many of the same reasons Bernie Sanders is so popular with them. With rapid growth among the young Hispanic population in a state like Arizona (a traditionally red state), combined with Mr. Obama’s 60% support in 2012 among those 18 to 29, Frey sees the writing on the wall: the GOP could be facing a huge defeat in November.

Donald Trump may be a new messenger for the disgruntled wing of the GOP, but he is not the correct messenger for the future of the GOP. If the youth, blacks and Hispanics all vote as expected in the general election, this would be the 3rd straight election in which the young vote went decisively for Democrats.

Not only is this horrible news for Donald Trump, but a painfully negative outcome that will affect the Republican Party for decades.

Young voters 2016


OK WASSUP! discusses politics. Today’s article:
A new poll says young voters reject Donald Trump.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Donald Trump may be a new messenger for the disgruntled wing of the GOP, but he is not the correct messenger for the future of the GOP. [..] You got that right DJ. And based on their primary/caucus voting thus far, it appears the majority of Repub voters also agree with that. Trump is averaging the support of 35-40% fo Repub voters versus 60-65% of Repubs who oppose (and even "despise") the man. I'm not at all suprised that most young voters are rejecting his toxic BS. Heck I would posit that most young voters reject the Republican party period. Trump or no Trump. As pointed out in the post, this country IS changing. And changing Not just in terms of increased racial and cutural diversity but also in terms of mindset. Mentality. Particularly among young Americans. The majority of young Americans (Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Native American) are growing… Read more »

Mr. BD

Ok I was just having this conversation with co workers. They seem to think since they see all these young people on tv supporting Trump that he has the young crowd locked up. But like DJ said there is 150 million voters. So all we are seeing is just a small percent. These young people aren't trying to be all homophobic or racist like Trump is. So they are not trying to hear him. Good article DJ.

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