Comments on: Zimmerman Goes To Jail News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:53:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthizz Wed, 17 Jul 2013 17:57:55 +0000 @ RWG – You won't get flack here for simply expressing your opinion. All that DJ requires is that *We* keep it Civil and show respect. That's all.

As to why so many people (Black, White and Latino) are upset?

Because a young UNARMED Black man lay DEAD in his grave today…shot down like a dog in the grass…by a Wyatt Earp wannabe Nutjob (IMO) who couldn't resist his DEADLY impulse to stalk that young UNARMED Black man and then provoke an altercation which led to that NUT pulling the trigger and killing that young UNARMED Black man for NO GOOD REASON.

As for me: I don't give fig what LIE Zimmerman tells (he has innocent blood on his hands and he knows it). And I care even less about that sorry verdict. The jurors will have to live with that.

Bigger picture: Any hurt and anger I feel extends well beyond the killing of Trayvon Martin but I've already expressed myself on that issue enough this week.

By: random white guy Wed, 17 Jul 2013 16:29:35 +0000 i know i'm gonna get flack for saying this but none of us were there to see what happened. so why is everybody getting so upset over this? the jury made their verdict, can't we all just live with that?

By: Truthizz Wed, 17 Jul 2013 12:36:41 +0000 "With the hell he is destined to face, maybe a solitary jail cell might not have been so bad after all."

You got that right DJ.

And no doubt by now this Truth is beginning to sink in to Zimmerman and his family (it's been reported that his parents are in hiding also having recieved numerous death threats).

By: Mr. BD Wed, 17 Jul 2013 12:13:13 +0000 DJ you got me with this title. I got excited for a minute thinking maybe it was true but your words are right. This piece of s-it is in jail for the rest of his life, which might not be to long. I've been quiet about this story this week because I'm still feeling some kind of angry
