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Zimmerman Trial: Day 1

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“Knock, knock? Who’s there? 
George Zimmerman. George Zimmerman who? 
Congratulations, you’re on the jury.”

Those are the odd first words from the attorney for the killer of Trayvon Martin, who thought it would be cute to kick off the racially charged Zimmerman trial with a joke.  The jury of 6 women were not amused.

Prosecutors, however, chose to stick to the business at hand and began by painting Zimmerman as a trigger-happy, cop-wannabe who considered Trayvon Martin a suspicious person and therefore his right to “rid the neighborhood of anyone that he believed didn’t belong.”

“The truth about the murder of Trayvon Martin is going to come directly from his mouth, from those hate-filled words that he used to describe a perfect stranger and from the lies that he told to the police to try to justify his actions,” prosecutor John Guy said during opening statements.

“F*cking punks!  These as*holes, they always get away,” Guy said, shaking up the jury and mimicking Zimmerman’s angry rant on the night he shot the 17-year-old Martin.

From the unique antics of just the first day, this trial is certain to be a “colorful” one.



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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