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A young Georgia boy is being called a hero.

11-year-old Bailey Brogan is credited with saving his family’s life, after his mother had a seizure while driving 55 MPH down the interstate and literally blacked out behind the wheel. The boy said his little sisters, 3-year-old Breana and 5-year-old Audri, were in the backseat panicking and crying for their mom. “I said calm down, everything’s [going to] be alright,” Bailey said. But his mom’s foot was heavy on the peddle and their car was speeding out of control and moving dangerously close to the vehicle in front of them.

So the quick thinking Bailey grabbed the wheel and steered the car himself while still buckled into the passenger’s seat, avoiding other cars and only lightly brushing against the curb a few times. “I was trying to stay in the lanes, then I thought to take the keys out of the ignition, [and it] slowed the car down,” recalled the 11 year old.

Bailey Brogan’s dad, Nate said paramedics praised his son’s efforts.  But no one could be more proud than the father himself.  “It’s a feeling of, this is my first born– my only son– and he just saved my family’s life.  How can you repay that?” said Nate Brogan.



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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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