Conservative Party Secede From GOP?

Politics –
Conservative Party Secede From GOP?
The Republican Party is in a heap of trouble.  Their current leader is a blowhard bigot who’s being propelled by all the racists, misogynists, gun-toting crazies of the once “Grand Ol’ Party.”  So, is it time for the Republican Party to secede from its misfit factions and recreate itself as the Conservative Party?
Rank and file Republicans have been whispering about it for some time now. The establishment members of the party are being run out of power by existing party extremists wielding a Wild, Wild West mentality.  One quick look at how former House Speaker John Boehner was not only run out of his top post but out of politics permanently, is all the proof anyone needs that the inmates are indeed running the asylum.
Imagine if Donald Trump actually wins the Republican nomination for president.  The Party of Reagan would effectively be dead and a gang of hooligans would suddenly be in power — shutting out any and everyone who doesn’t subscribe to their way of governing. That’s not at all good news for the Mitch McConnell’s and John McCain’s of the world.
What’s an old guard Republican to do? Â Secede!
McConnell, McCain, Orrin Hatch, Chuck Grassley, Lamar Alexander and others should break out NOW before they’re forced out. Â Whether they know it or not, their time is coming and there’s no longer a place for them in today’s Republican Party. Â So, why stay in a burning building?
Historically, the Democrats were once known as KKK-loving, MLK-hating racists (Gov. George Wallace, Sen. Strom Thurmond).  Black Americans had a home in the Republican Party, while whites ruled the Democratic Party.  Then it all changed.  So, why can’t it change again?
Establishment Republicans could (and should) divorce themselves from what the old party is rapidly becoming and establish the Conservative Party.  Let the ill-fitting and infighting misfits of the former GOP have the “Republican” moniker.  In fact, let them drive themselves into obscurity.
With all the competing factions and mentalities under the GOP umbrella, they’re destined to self-implode. Party stalwarts should jump ship now — or else be forced to walk the plank.
You've started the week off with another good one DJ. Thank you! (plus my office is closed today as much of PA is still digging out from the winter storm – so it's a win/win for me today). But I digress.
Re: Conservatism
The truth is, based on all that I've read (and learned) in recent years about *Conservatism*……
I'd say, the GOP is NOT now…nor has it actually been…a "Conservative" party since BEFORE Reagan's first term as President in 1980. Since then Conservatism has devolved into Republicanism. And now from Republicansim to "Trumpism."
I would also suggest that today's Republican party, as we have known it, is effectively dead regardless of who wins the GOP presidential nomination. I don't think it will ever be the same again. The fighting factions are cutting deep and drawing a lot of blood.
And Repub elites have themselvs to thank for that.
DJ: "What’s an old guard Republican to do?"
Give each other High-5s for "mission accomplished." Repub rank and file voters are displaying EXCATLY the kind of personal qualities old guard Repubs have spent at least 35-40 yrs, and a lot of money, teaching them. Indeed, Trump embodies all that the base has been taught.
DJ: "why stay in a burning building?"
Because THAT bulding…their party…is the very building they spent decades saturating with gasoline. Why run from it now that Trump has come along and set fire to it?! Nooo. Stay and watch it "BURN BABY BURN!"
Word to Repub elites: Evil is NOT a toy to be played with. You cynically sold your soul for votes, money, position and power —by ANY means necessary and no matter the costs. You gave no thought as to how such reprehensible actions could backfire on You and Us (the entire nation). You didn't care. And you still don't.
Again I say: Donald Trump IS You.
Axelrod: "Trump nearing a ‘hostile takeover’ of GOP"
Democratic strategist David Axelrod believes that GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump has dominance of the Republican Party within his grasp.
“Relentlessly edgy, confrontational and contemptuous of the niceties of governance and policy making, Mr. Trump is the perfect counterpoint to a president whose preternatural cool and deliberate nature drives his critics mad,” he said.
“The Republican base is infuriated by Mr. Obama’s activist view of government and progressive initiatives, from health care reform and immigration, gay rights to climate change,” Axelrod continued.
“Beyond specific issues, however, many Republicans view dimly the very qualities that played so well for Mr. Obama in 2008,” he added. "Deliberation is seen as hesitancy; patience as weakness.
“His call for tolerance and passionate embrace of America’s growing diversity inflame many in the Republican base, who view with suspicion and anger the rapidly changing demographics of America. The president’s emphasis on diplomacy is viewed as appeasement.”
Axelrod added that Trump may “stumble” should Americans tire of his bombast or fail to actually turn out to vote. […]
H/T: The Hill
Axelrod knows darn well, the Repub base Hates the President, first and foremost, because he's African-American.
But I do agree with him on the other related reasons Repub voters oppose the President.
This is not a bad idea for them. Repubs waited to late to stop Trump, now it looks like he has all the power. I read something this weekend that said Repubs are starting to come to terms that Trump is going to win the nomination. So they have to accept him or get left out. They are ready to swallow the medicine even if they don't like it. But accepting him is just going to shut them out in the long run. So DJ is right. They need a new party or they will be like John Baener and get run out of town.