Donald Trump: ‘Ban All Muslim Entry To U.S.’
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Donald Trump: ‘Ban All Muslim Entry To U.S.’
Donald Trump has officially lost his ever-lovin’ mind. The Republican presidential frontrunner announced Monday he wants to ban ALL Muslims from entering the United States!
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Previously, Trump proposed that the U.S. government conduct surveillance against mosques, as well as establish a database to track all Muslims living in America — but apparently that just wasn’t enough. Now, Trump has taken things to the nth degree.
“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on,” a campaign press release said. Â HUH???
Following the deadly mass shooting in San Bernardino, California last week by suspected ISIS sympathizers and, just one day after President Obama asked the country not to “turn against one another” out of fear, Donald Trump seems to believe his controversial call is a perfectly correct step in the right direction. He’s also playing directly into the hands of all the right-wing nut jobs, racists, fascists, Nazi’s and KKK members who have been fueling his campaign.
“Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine,” Trump said in a statement. “Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life.”
Continuing, Trump added: “Great surveillance and vigilance must be adhered to. We want to be very fair but too many bad things are happening and the percentage of true hatred is too great. People that are looking to destroy our country must be reported and turned in by the good people who love our country and want America to be great again.”
Donald Trump added that the ban would apply not just to Muslim foreigners looking to immigrate to the U.S., but to Muslims looking to even visit the U.S. as tourists.  However, he declined to answer what such a shutdown would mean for Muslim Americans and those Muslims already living in the U.S. legally. All this from a man who said just this past September, “I love the Muslims. I think they’re great people.”
Not surprisingly, his words have turned the entire Republican Party upside-down.
His fellow party mates and presidential candidates are at a complete loss with this one, since Trump’s words are now forcing the entire GOP to address whether there should be a religious test to enter America.  The question alone is toxic.  Everybody knows it and nobody wants to touch it — except now the GOP will have to.
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Left with no choice but to respond, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was first to slam Trump’s proposal in a radio interview.
“This is the kind of thing that people say when they have no experience and don’t know what they are talking about,” Christie said on the Michael Medved radio show. “We do not need to resort to that type of activity nor should we. What we need to do is to increase our intelligence activities. We need to cooperate with peaceful Muslim Americans who want to give us intelligence against those who are radicalized.”
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham also spoke up and called on every presidential candidate to “do the right thing & condemn @Realdonaldtrump’s statement.”
Trump’s rhetoric “is putting our troops serving abroad and our diplomats at risk,” Graham said. “For interpreters and others risking their lives abroad to help America — this is a death sentence.”
Ohio Gov. John Kasich also weighed in, saying “This is just more of the outrageous divisiveness that characterizes his every breath and another reason why he is entirely unsuited to lead the United States.”
Despite having everything to gain from a pitiful Republican Party with Donald Trump as its nominee come November of 2016, Democrats pounced on the absolute lunacy of Trump’s words.
“Demagogues throughout our history have attempted to divide us based on race, gender, sexual orientation or country of origin. Now, Trump and others want us to hate all Muslims. The United States is a great nation when we stand together. We are a weak nation when we allow racism and xenophobia to divide us,” Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont said in a statement.
“Donald Trump is indeed a ‘net positive’ for the Republican Party — as their chairman called him — because he shows America what the Republican Party really stands for with his rhetoric that only helps enemies like ISIL/Daesh to recruit extremists,” said DNC spokeswoman Christina Freundlich.
President Obama’s deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes called Trump’s proposal “totally contrary to our values as Americans,” while pointing to the Bill of Rights’ protection of freedom of religion as well as the “extraordinary contributions” Muslim Americans have made to the U.S.
“The fact of the matter is ISIL wants to frame this as a war between the United States and Islam, and if we look like we’re applying religious tests to who comes into this country, we’re sending a message that essentially we’re embracing that frame and that is going to make it very difficult to partner with Muslim communities here in the United States and around the world to prevent the scourge of radicalization that we should be focused on,” Rhodes said.
“We should make it harder for ISIL (ISIS) to portray this as a war between the United States and Islam, not easier,” Rhodes added.
Speaking to members of the Muslim community on Monday afternoon, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson echoed President Obama’s sentiment warning against divisiveness.
“Bitterness grows out of hopelessness, and there is no hopelessness in this situation, however uncomfortable and menacing it may be at times,” Johnson said. “Faith in the ultimate strength of the democratic philosophy and code of the Nation as a whole has always been stronger than the impulse to despair”
It’s incredibly hard to fathom but in spite of his antics, Donald Trump is still the frontrunner to secure the Republican nomination for president.  So, it’s time to ask ourselves, America: Is this truly the man we want and need as President of the United States?
It’s incredibly hard to fathom but in spite of his antics, Donald Trump is still the frontrunner to secure the Republican nomination for president. […]
Sadly DJ, I have to respectfully disagree with you on this because, you see, I'm not at all suprised that Trump remains the GOP frontrunner.
Yes. The man IS dangerous. And I do hope and pray that when it's all said and done, He and his ilk will be soundly DEFEATED, Rejected and forced back into the dark nether regions from which he/they crawled.
But if there is One thing of value Trump should be given credit for, I believe it is this:
Through his right-wing Horror-show campaign, he has…all by himself….SHOWN the whole country, and the ENTIRE World, just what the Republican Party is REALLY about and WHO the people are that consider such a vile, vulgar and Hateful man to be *Fit* to lead in ANY capacity, let alone as President of the United States.
Word to the Republican Party: Donald Trump…IS You.
Word to the Republican Party: Donald Trump…IS You.
Ok now Truth you're bout to make me run around this office and do the happy dance on this one. The Repubs created this monster and now he has run wild. Everything that's happening is stuff they created on themselves. I saw on CNN a rally for Trump with about a thousand people waiting in line. The reporter asked the people how they felt about blocking Muslims coming in and every last one of them said it's about time and they were all for it. Like DJ said this is lunacy. We have people talking crazy like this then folks wonder why people all over the world, even little white kids are dropping what they're doing and joining Isis. These words have consequences and Trumps antics are just not funny anymore.
It iz what it iz, BD.
Or as my dear Grandmother used to say to me…
"Baby, the Truth is The Truth….Anyhow."
Leonard Pitts Jr: "GOP brought this plague on itself"
Keeping the customer satisfied, giving the people what they want, is the fundament of sound business. More effectively than anyone in recent memory, Trump has transferred that principle to politics. Problem is, it turns out that what a large portion of the Republican faithful wants is racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, the validation of unrealistic fears and the promise of quick fixes to complex problems.
That’s hardly shocking. This is what the party establishment has trained them to want, what it has fed them for years. But it has done so in measured tones and coded language that preserved the fiction of deniability. Trump’s innovation is his increasingly-apparent lack of interest in deniability. Like other great demagogues — George Wallace, Joe McCarthy, Huey Long, Charles Coughlin — his appeal has been in the fact that he is blunt, unfiltered, anti-intellectual, full-throated and unapologetic. And one in three Republicans are eating it up like candy. [….]
Hear hear!
Okay…so….I had wondered just how Trump planned to enforce his "No Muslims Allowed into the U.S." policy(?)
Well it seems, I've found the answer. Check. This:
"Trump's Detailed Master Plan to Keep Muslims Out of the Country"
Trump announced Monday his plan to ban all Muslims from entering the country. While the initial announcement was short on specifics, Trump explained how the plan would work Tuesday morning on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
Border agents, explained Trump to co-host Willie Geist, "would say, 'are you Muslim?'"
"And if they said, 'yes,' they would not be allowed in the country?" Geist then asked.
"Correct," Trump answered.
Did you catch that? If not, here it is again:
Step 1: Border agents ask, "are you Muslim?"
Step 2: If they answer "yes," don't let them in. [….]
Sources: Christian Post, MSNBC
Based on Trump's answers, it's pretty clear …he has NO actual plan (No surprise).
And the truth is, I'm beginning to believe that THIS latest *act* was prompted by some recent polls and FEAR. Not Fear of radical Muslims. But FEAR of Ted Cruz. .
Yesterday the news media had begun to highlight the latest Iowa polls showing, for the very first time, Ted Cruz either AHEAD of, or just behind Trump. By last night, Ted Cruz couldn't buy a minute of media attention …except to answer questions about….(drum roll) Trump.
Announcing this odious *plan* was a calculated move by Trump to grab the spotlight AWAY from Ted Cruz (just when Cruz may be surging)…and feed his base more red meat. .
Trump's a jackass. There's no way he can enforce any type of plan keeping Muslims out. I hate how he's making Republicans look right now.
donald trump is a dangerous man. its no tellin what kinda trouble his bs is stirrin up.