Folding Clothes A Thing Of The Past?

Technology –
Folding Clothes
A Thing Of The Past?
Do you hate folding clothes? Well, hate no longer, because the clothes folding solution of your dreams is on the way!
In an era of high-tech automation, robots have basically taken over the chores we love least. Washing clothes, doing dishes, even vacuuming the floor can all be done by robots that we call appliances. However, where’s the robot that can fold our clothes fresh out of the laundry, or fold and freshen a closet floor full of sweaters lickety-split?
Soon, the world will be introduced to FOLDIMATE, a revolutionary device that will not only tackle the chore of folding for you, but will also be able to automatically iron, steam, and make your garments smell like the first day of spring.
Additionally, a Japanese company is also preparing its own device for folding clothes that will be called LAUNDROID. Either robot — OK appliance — will take the hassle out of folding, freshening, and handling your clothes with both comfort and care. Check out the video below for more details!