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President Obama announced earlier this week his candidacy to seek reelection, with the Obama-Biden 2012 campaign releasing a “feel-good” ad to rev up the troops.

But the Republicans apparently expected the announcement and prepared in advance their own “feel-good” ad they hope will make voters think twice about giving Mr. Obama 4 more years.  WATCH:



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Let them attack all they want. Unless the majority of American voters really are that Stupid, AND into SELF-mutilation no less, there is NO WAY they give the Presidency back to the Repubs anytime soon. To say I'm disgusted with both parites is an understatement. I have a an Outspoken critic of the President when I felt it appropriate. But as I've stated before, at least he's SERIOUS about the job of leading this nation.How dare the Repubs continue to present BS proposals cooked up by the Heritage Foundation (and Lord-knows who else???) ..and try to pass that BS off as credible!?!  SEE: "The Budget That Can't Budge" "Ryan's Rosy Job Numbers- Fact Or Fantasy"…Read it and weep:…THIS is what decades of Nixon's "Southern Strategy" will get you. THIS is the end results. The GOP now runneth over with all manner of carni-barkers, malcontents, hucksters, wannabes, and "NOT-very-bright" people running that party and this entire country is indeed worse off for it.If the majority of American voters don't SEE that by now, and turn the reins of this country back over to the Repubs …then the majority of American voters deserves what they get! And what they'll get, and what this entire nation will get will make what G. Dubya put Us through look like child's play. Of THAT, I have NO doubt!

  2. Btw: Ran across this little goodie just a few minutes ago…..Note: "Religious right spokesman in America, Bryan Fischer, plunges into outright racism."Fisher:"Welfare has destroyed the African-American family by telling young black women that husbands and fathers are unnecessary and obsolete. Welfare has subsidized illegitimacy by offering financial rewards to women who have more children out of wedlock. We have incentivized fornication rather than marriage, and it’s no wonder we are now awash in the disastrous social consequences of people who rut like rabbits."Full Read:…That's right folks. Black people "RUT like rabbits." What does his offensive comments have to do with the Repubs? Well, let's see. To date, "GOP presidential hopefuls Michele Bachmann, Mike Huckabee, Tim Pawlenty, Haley Barbour, and Newt Gingrich have all appeared on Fischer’s webcast."I report. You decide.

  3. I'm sorry DJ, I seem to be on a roll today. But I'm just so sick of the outright Lies, deliberate DECEPTION, red-meat rhetoric and brazen HYPOCRISY on Full display by the Repubs while they shamelessly continue attacking the President. This is the last post today, I promise!Okay. So one of the main questions currently being asked is: "Why Did Mike Huckabee Destroy ALL of His Governorship Records?" Interesting. Mother Jones, April 1, 2011: Send for a public record request seeking documents from his 12-year stint as Arkansas governor, as Mother Jones did recently, and an eyebrow-raising reply will come back: The records are unavailable, and the computer hard drives that once contained them were ERASED and PHYSICALLY DESTROYED by the Huckabee adminstration as the governor prepared to leave office and launch a presidential bid.In 2007, during Huckabee's campaign for the GOP presidential nomination, the issue of the eradicated hard drives surfaced briefly, but it was never fully examined, and key questions remain. Why had Huckabee gone to such great lengths to wipe out his own records? What ever happened to a backup collection that was provided to a Huckabee aide?Huckabee is now considering another presidential run, and if he does enter the race, <span>he would do so as a frontrunner.</span> Which would make the case of the missing records all the more significant. These records would shed light on Huckabee's governorship—and could provide insight into how a President Huckabee might run the country. Meanwhile, observers of Arkansas' political scene—including one of Huckabee's former GOP allies—say the episode is characteristic of a politician who was distrustful and secretive by nature. […]Full Story:

  4. I appreciate your passion Truthiz. However, the Republican Party created a very effective ad to spotlight the empty promises of the current president. Come election time he will not be able to run from his record.

  5. Don't get me wrong Beth. I am NOT now, nor have I ever been a member of the "President can do NO wrong" chorus. In fact, I've been highly critical of him (his policy decisions & actions) on numerous occasions, since he was elected. But for the GOP to have the audacity to think they can enage in all kinds of foul stuff…and I do mean ALL KINDS of FOUL stuff…and then expect their actions to be excused and/or IGNORED, while attacking the President who is at least attempting to govern Seriously, …for Repubs to FAIL to offer up not even ONE credible solution to the problems confronting this nation AND add to that, parade a bunch of woefully ill-suited folks around as potential Presidential candidates to run against him is, IMO, an absolute insult.But I will concede this Beth. No matter what I think, IF the majority of the American voters are ready to trust a Repub President again, they will elect a Repub.Btw: It's good to have you posting a bit again!

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