The State of Kansas held its GOP primary caucuses over the weekend with Rick Santorum crowned the big winner.
Santorum trounced his competition, winning 51% of the vote. Mitt Romney, who did not bother to campaign in Kansas received 21%, while Newt Gingrich took 14% and Ron Paul got 12%.
Santorum ended up with 33 delegates to 7 for Romney.
However, Romney made up for his Kansas loss with a Caribbean win, picking up delegates in the Northern Mariana Islands (9), the Virgin Islands (7) and Guam (9). In addition, Wyoming (which earlier held a straw poll) awarded 6 delegates to Romney. All in all, the total delegate count for the day was 38 for Romney and 34 for Santorum (who picked up at least one Wyoming delegate).
Santorum is hopeful his Kansas win will provide momentum heading into the Alabama and Mississippi primaries tomorrow, states Romney is expected to do poorly in. A win in either or both of those states could give Santorum bragging rights to further prove Romney is vulnerable. But this is still a delegate race. With the way the GOP is awarding delegates this election, it could be nearly impossible for Santorum to catch Romney in the eventual delegate count. However, it could also be impossible for Romney to reach the 1144 delegates to secure the nomination for the same reasons.
Republicans seem to be in a heap of trouble, as this contest appears headed all the way to the convention floor in August. Stay tuned…
I read a article that Romneys been getting 40% of the vote and if he keeps that number up theres no way he can get to the nomination. Everybodys just inching a long. Meanwhile the president is sitting back watching the show. I'm a happy Democrat.
I hear ya BD. As a Democrat leaning Independent, I'm feeling more optimistic about the President's re-election chances with every passing day…BUT with a cautionary note:1. Rising gas prices. And….2. The tragic event in Afghanistan this past weekend.The President MUST control the narrative on rising gas prices and he MUST end the war in Afghanistan SOONER rather than later. "Obama, Panetta Scramble To Contain Fallout After U.S. Soldier Allegedly Kills 16 Afghan Villagers"http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/12/afghan-s……back to the GOP primaries……I'm interested in seeing how things shake out tomorrow for 2 main reasons: 1. Voter turnout.2. Pre-vote polling projections vs actual vote results.As DJ said…."Stay tuned"……
TAC: "Whatever the Results, Tomorrow’s Contests Will Be of Little Reassurance to Republicans"Unfortunately for Republicans, this race is between a moderate who enacted an early version of Obamacare and whose opinion on almost anything is a moveable feast, and a strict social conservative who does not seem to understand the American political tradition.Santorum cannot win over moderates, and Romney cannot win over the socially conservative base. While it does look like Romney will be able to claim close victories tomorrow in Mississippi and Alabama they will hardly be convincing or of much reassurance. Republicans cannot win without the south, and the polling data shows both <span>Mississippi</span> and <span>Alabama</span> to be evenly divided between Romney and Santorum supporters. These sorts of divisions in a primary contest should worry Republican strategists.While it is very unlikely that Obama could win Alabama or Mississippi in November, the uncertainty of conservatives in these states is telling. In 2008, Mississippi <span>overwhelmingly voted for John McCain in the primary</span>, and while most votes in the <span>2008 Alabama primary</span> did go to Mike Huckabee, the level of confidence in John McCain was much higher than current support for Romney or Santorum.Whatever the outcomes of tomorrow’s contests it looks unlikely that a nominee will be decided soon. […]Read: http://www.theamericanconservative.com/blog/2012/…
…a Quote for the Day…"If I'm a weak frontrunner, what does that make Newt Gingrich? Because I'm well ahead of him."Mitt Romney responding to Newt Gingrich's characterization of his campaign.H/T: PoliticoSo if Newt ends up losing EITHER state to Mitt, tomorrow_on Gingrich's "Southern" home-turf_just HOW will Newt begin to explain that?
<span>…a GOP related story….. LGF: "AL and MS GOP Voters Think Obama’s a Muslim, Interracial Marriage Should Be Illegal" Racism, conspiracy theories, hatred for science dominate the GOP scene […] </span><span></span><span>Full Read: http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/40049_AL_…</span>And then there's THIS Repub related news:LGF: "Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-FL) Questions Obama’s Birth Certificate, Talks Impeachment"Read: http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/40050_Rep…<span></span><span>My apologies if I've shared this before…. My southern *roots* run deep. In fact, 3 of my grandparents were born and raised in the deep South (Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana). My mother was also born down there. As young adults my grandparents migrated to the Northeast (my birthplace) seeking a better life and they found it. I was practically raised by my maternal grandparents and although we traveled South every summer during school-break to see "our people" my maternal grandfather always cautioned me to NEVER move there. He repeatedly warned me that NOT MUCH had "actually" Changed in much of the South.</span><span></span><span>My grandparents are now deceased. I'm "good and grown" (as they say) but I still enjoy visiting certain parts of the South: Charlotte, N.C., Charleston, S.C., Savannah, GA (my HOME away from home). And I'm rather partial to Baton Rouge and Lafayette, LA. But I have to say, on the whole, it truly is quite maddening, that even TODAY (in 2012) just how Hateful, Ignorant and BACKWARDS a lot of the South STILL remains. My grandfather would say.."I told you so." </span>