
Gyroscopic Transportation Of The Future?

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We’ve all heard of flying cars as the transportation of the future. However, there’s something even newer on the horizon: Gyroscopic Transportation.

Gyroscopic TransportationThis amazing concept comes from DAHİR İNŞAAT and highlights what could possibly be the future of urban transport. Imagine a fire truck or ambulance being able to overcome traffic by simply traveling above it. Imagine a humongous bus capable of carrying a hundred passengers whizzing above the cars below it. Of course it’s futuristic, but engineers say it’s possible.

Flying cars look great on the Jetson’s cartoons, however, the potential of mid-air crashes with bodies falling from the sky makes it a near impossibility — at least on a large-scale. Gyroscopic vehicles would still be connected to the ground and would provide a virtual “double-decker” highway that’s safer and more realistic.

Check out the video below and consider a future filled with Gyroscopic Transportation.





OK WASSUP! covers the latest in technology:
Introducing Gyroscopic Transportation.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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