Social media is going berserk over an unexpected event at Sunday’s Academy Awards presentation in Los Angeles — when actor Will Smith took the stage and slapped comedian Chris Rock.
Rock was serving as an Oscar host and made a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith and her bald head, in a loose (but failed) attempt to connect her shaved head to her appearance in the film GI JANE.

“Jada, I love ya. GI JANE 2 — can’t wait to see it,” Rock quipped. Although Will Smith initially laughed at the joke (albeit uncomfortably), his wife Jada was visibly unamused on camera. Jada Pinkett Smith has been publicly suffering from alopecia and struggling with hair loss due to her medical condition. So, it’s understandable why the Smiths did not appreciate being the butt of a joke on live television regarding her health situation.
“That [joke] was a nice one,” Rock attempted to explain regarding his choice of fun as the audience responded with uncomfortable laughter. However, the camera then panned to Will Smith taking the stage and walking toward Rock, with the host laughing and assuming that Will would somehow spontaneously join in on the fun.
He was sorely mistaken.

In what has since been confirmed as neither a stunt nor an intended skit for TV, Will Smith approached Chris Rock and slapped him across the face with an open hand. The actor then walked calmly back to his seat as the audience gasped in shock.
Caught totally off guard, Chris Rock attempted to remain in host mode and laugh off the moment as if it were all in fun.
“OH WOW!” Chris Rock exclaimed. “Will Smith just smacked the sh*t out of me.”
However, Smith was fuming with anger.
“Keep my wife’s name out ya mother-f*ckin’ mouth,” the actor shouted at Rock from his seat. When the host attempted to explain the fun behind his pun, Smith reprised his response.
“Keep my wife’s name out your f*ckin’ mouth,” the actor reiterated.
After a few uncomfortable moments, Chris Rock attempted to regain control of the situation.
“That was, uh…, the greatest night in the history of television,” Rock said while clearly visibly stunned.
Immediately following, rapper/music mogul Diddy took the stage for the next presentation and attempted to smooth things over.
“Will and Chris, we’re going to solve this like family. Right now we’re moving on with love. Everybody make some noise,” Diddy urged the crowd.
During the next several commercial breaks, Smith’s publicist was seen having discussions with him. Additionally, fellow Acadamy Award-winning actor Denzel Washington approached Smith to speak with him privately. Smith later revealed that Washington said to him, “At your highest moment, be careful. That’s when the devil comes for you.”

Will Smith later went on to win Best Actor for his portrayal of Richard Williams in the film “King Richard.” Regrettably, his award could be in jeopardy due to the Academy’s code of conduct.
Social media has since gone into overdrive, calling for Will Smith to be “canceled” for daring to be human and have an emotional outburst on live television. Additionally, some African-Americans have surmised that the Academy Awards will go back to being “white” next year following the melee’ involving 2 Black men.
“I want to apologize to the Academy. I want to apologize to all my fellow nominees. This is a beautiful moment and I’m not crying for winning an award. It’s not about winning an award for me. It’s about being able to shine a light on all of the people. Tim and Trevor and Zack and Saniyya and Demi and Aunjanue and the entire cast and crew of ‘KING RICHARD,’ Venus and Serena, the entire Williams family.”
– Will Smith
Will Smith has since apologized for the incident and Chris Rock and the Academy are said to have accepted the apology. Still, that is not good enough for some couch jurists judging from home — some of whom want Smith punished beyond recognition, or even placed in jail.
Did Will Smith prove that he is not perfect but is a human with emotions (just like everyone else) when he overreacted to a supposed joke regarding his wife’s health that was clearly in poor taste? Was his apology enough, especially if neither Chris Rock nor the Academy appears eager to press legal charges or file a lawsuit? Should Will Smith be stripped of his Oscar? Or, is the public correct to seek revenge against the actor and cancel him for letting his emotions get the best of him in that millisecond of a moment?
OK WASSUP! covers Entertainment News:
Will Smith slaps Chris Rock at the Oscars.
Chris Rock will not be pressing charges against Will Smith following their onstage altercation at this year’s Oscars, the Los Angeles Police Department has said.
Smith appeared to strike Rock at Sunday night’s ceremony after the comedian made a joke about his wife Jada Pinkett Smith’s shaved head as he presented the Academy Award for best documentary.
When Rock quipped: “Jada I love you, ‘G.I. Jane 2,’ can’t wait to see it,” the camera cut to Pinkett Smith, who rolled her eyes. The “Red Table Talk” host has been open about her struggle with alopecia, an autoimmune disorder that leads to hair loss.
Following the joke, Smith to walk onto the stage and seemingly hit Rock, before telling him to “leave my wife’s name out of your f**king mouth”.
“The Pursuit of Happyness” star appeared remorseful when he returned to the stage shortly after, to accept the Oscar for best actor for his role as Richard Williams, the father of Venus and Serena Williams, in the film “King Richard.”
During his emotional speech, Smith apologized to the Academy and his fellow nominees for the incident but did not mention Rock by name.
While Smith’s actions have been widely condemned on social media, with many arguing he should be charged with assault, his 23-year-old son, Jaden Smith, shared a tweet shortly after the incident, which said: “And That’s How We Do It.”
The LAPD confirmed on Monday that Rock declined to file a police report.
“LAPD investigative entities are aware of an incident between two individuals during the Academy Awards program,” the department told CNN in a statement. “The incident involved one individual slapping another. The individual involved has declined to file a police report. If the involved party desires a police report at a later date, LAPD will be available to complete an investigative report.”
Hi Wil, care to share your thoughts?
Sure I will. I don’t condone any sort of violence, but I know we can all get pushed to a limit. That seems to be what happened. Chris has been making jokes on Jada for a few years now and Will just had enough of it. He should not have hit another man but it happened and they both seem to have moved past it now. The internet is making a big deal of it like he killed him or something. It was a slap not even a punch. I hope we can forget about it and go back to thinking about the things in the world going on that really matter.
Thanks Wil. I genuinely appreciate hearing from you not only on this subject matter but on any subject matter DJ brings to the table!
I implore you, please do share your voice more often!
Haha okay. Maybe if I start posting in the afternoons when I have more time at work I can give a personal response more.
Thanks DJ for posting about this….kinda thought your would!
I didn’t see it in real time but my partner did and she called me right away and told me about it.
I’ll share my thoughts later. I want to wait and hear what you men think about it. I’m especially interested in hearing the thoughts and opinions of Black men on the matter!
(short sidenote) Congrats to Questlove on winning an Oscar for his “Summer of Soul” Documentary
I saw it and I loved it!
Summer of Soul (Or…When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised) is a 2021 American documentary film directed by Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson about the 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival. – Wikipedia
“He made an incredible documentary that showcased Black beauty in its glory, Black musicians in their brilliance, Harlem and so much more. And, he wrapped it up in a film that I could watch again and again.” – Toure’, writer at The Grio, March 28, 22
I knew you all would be talking about this today. I peeped my head in a few times already to read a couple comments but had to jump in for a sec. Ok this shocked me. I have to admit I did not watch the awards but soon as I heard what happen I looked it up online. Chris Rock was wrong for joking about a mans wife’s health. But Will was wrong for taking it that far and smacking him too.The whole thing was a mistake Will apologized for now. But people are having fits about it saying Will should go to jail and all that. Nobody is pressing charges so we need to leave it alone. I will say some more later when I get time.
Chris Rock was wrong for joking about a mans wife’s health. But Will was wrong for taking it that far and smacking him too. The whole thing was a mistake. […]
Yes, it most certainly was BD.
Is it possible two adults each made a poor decision against one another, one with words and one with physical actions?Then unfortunately it played out in front of the world? I think so. I’ve seen more violence in middle school fights over less.Sadly, my newsfeed is more filled with this than what is happening to millions of people in Ukraine right now. People are mad at the wrong things today. https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/tad/2/16/1f622.png peace, everyone.
Is it possible two adults each made a poor decision against one another, one with words and one with physical actions? Then unfortunately it played out in front of the world? I think so. […]
I think so too. Thanks Jen!
Full disclosure: I’m not a fan of Will Smith. I never disliked him and don’t dislike him now. But I think him choosing to handle the situation as he did last night was a huge mistake for him AND for Us (black people) because unfortunately it feeds into an insidious stereotype about most Black men being prone to “violent” behavior.
DJ asked: “Was his apology enough, especially if neither Chris Rock nor the Academy appears eager to press legal charges or file a lawsuit?”
Yes, it was enough for some people. But not for others.
I don’t think he should be “stripped of his Oscar” and I don’t think most of the public will “cancel” him. But I do think Hollywood “elites”…especially White “elites” will look at him differently, even if mostly behind his back.
New York Times:
As questions swirled about why the actor Will Smith had faced no repercussions for slapping the comedian Chris Rock during Sunday night’s Oscars telecast, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which administers the awards, said Monday that it had condemned his actions and was starting a formal review.
“The academy condemns the actions of Mr. Smith at last night’s show,” the organization said in a statement. “We have officially started a formal review around the incident and will explore further action and consequences in accordance with our bylaws, standards of conduct and California law.”
The statement came after a meeting Monday.
Behind the scenes at the Oscars, there were serious discussions about removing Smith from the theater, according to two industry officials with knowledge of the situation who were granted anonymity to describe internal deliberations. But time was short, because the best actor award, which Mr. Smith was heavily favored to win, was fast approaching, one noted — and stakeholders had varying opinions on how to proceed. There was also concern about further disrupting the live broadcast, the other said.
Behind the scenes at the Oscars, there were serious discussions about removing Smith from the theater, according to two industry officials with knowledge of the situation who were granted anonymity to describe internal deliberations. […]
I’d really be surprised if they take his Oscar! However, I did share with my sibs and my partner that I would NOT at all be surprised if Will is banned form attending the Oscars for at least next year, if not beyond.
We shall see.
Ok I can finally get back to this like I promised. A whole lot of people had a lot to say about this today. I saw everything I could online and this is all they talked about at work. Will messed up we all now that. But one of the partners at the law firm I work at made a lot of sense. He said Will should not have done what he did but nothing is going to come of it. Chris Rock did not press charges so the case is over. The police and the DA are not going to touch it. So all the commentary and people getting emotional about this all day is a waste. It was a mistake but it is over with.
I hear you BD and you know how I respect your opinion.
But I have to respectfully disagree with you my friend. I don’t think it’s over. I think Will is going to have to deal with the consequences of his actions. Not criminally. But in the court of public opinion, to some degree.
And I most definitely think the Academy will have more to say about it. We’ll see.
Yeah Truth you are right the court of public opinion is all over this. But Will is a multi millionaire and plus he owns his production company. He could make movies just with his company or leave show business and not be hurt. I am just saying if nothing legal happens the public will forget about this. They already stopped talking about Kanye West and his craziness.
“This is not how you protect Black women”
OPINION: What Will Smith did was not chivalrous or honorable. As a Black woman, I want the kind of protection that lifts us, encourages us and nourishes our souls.
Sophia A. Nelson | Mar 28, 2022
We, as Black people, are so used to violence and trauma that many of us normalize it. The past 24 hours since the Oscar flap with Will Smith physically smacking Chris Rock then verbally assaulting him with the “F” bomb have been triggering and upsetting for victims of domestic and familial violence.
I am one of those people. […] – The Grio
Full read: https://thegrio.com/2022/03/28/this-is-not-how-you-protect-black-women/