
Last Days Of Donald Trump Revealed

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If you thought 4 years of Donald Trump were bad, wait until you hear about the last days of Donald Trump in office.

According to 2 new books, “Frankly We Did Win This Election” by Michael Bender and “Landslide” by Michael Wolff, which were both released Tuesday, the last days of Donald Trump were even more dangerous and chaotic behind closed doors than we ever knew.

Last Days Of Donald Trump

The books primarily focused on Trump’s final months in office and detailed a rather dark side of ‘The Donald.’  For example, one story revealed how Trump wanted the head on a platter of whoever leaked news that he fled to the White House bunker during the Black Lives Matter protests last summer.   Another discussed his explosive reaction when Arizona was called for Joe Biden on election night.  Other stories detailed how Trump erupted at then-Attorney General Bill Barr about nonexistent voter fraud, as well as a shouting match between Trump and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley over the appropriate response to the BLM protests that engulfed the country during the summer of 2020.

Another topic of interest was Trump’s self-created claim and repeated insistence that he had done more for Black people than any other president since Abraham Lincoln.  So, when the Black Lives Matter marches materialized, Trump was caught completely off guard.  He failed to grasp the gravity or the goals of the BLM protests and saw them as nothing more than an uprising against HIM instead of the institution of racism.  That narcissistic belief prompted him to attempt to force the military to deploy to states where the marches were most prevalent.  Fortunately, US military generals were successful in preventing Trump from using the US military to attack US citizens.

Last Days Of Donald Trump

However, the books also detailed the last days of Donald Trump as hell on fire.

Due to the COVID pandemic, The White House was a ghost town and virtually empty as employees worked from home rather than come into the cesspool of virus living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  The only people working in the West Wing were Trump and a handful of advisors.  However, Trump wasn’t working on the business of the country.  He was obsessed with the election and its unfavorable results that would soon force him out of office.

In the final weeks, Trump played a game of “Beat The Clock” by trying every desperate ploy he could come up with to save himself from being ousted from office on January 20th.

Last Days Of Donald Trump

Unable to accept that he had lost the election, Trump attempted to use the official powers of the government — including the Justice Department — to find evidence of fraud where there simply was none. He began leaning on governors and state election officials to “find” him the votes that he needed to remain in office.  He then created an environment in which a large chunk of Americans believed his Big Lie about the election.  When all else failed, he was willing to undermine confidence in the voting process and destroy democracy if it meant saving HIMSELF.  That’s when he incited the January 6th riot, then stood by for hours and watched gleefully as his minions ransacked the Capitol.

“This is, in sum, a man deeply unfit for the presidency. A man who, by his inability to understand the sanctity of the office he held, threatened to destroy that sanctity for those who would follow him into the White House. And a man who was, without any question, an active danger for every single American — whether they supported or opposed him.” CNN

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
The last days of Donald Trump in office.


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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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I want to see how history remembers this fool. I think people in the future will wonder what we were thinking to let this man in.


It’s been a busy day so I’m really late to this but I had to respond……. I just heard about these two books yesterday and my immediate thought was Wow! Those two smug jokers must be pretty amused by the the slight-of-hand *trick.* they pulled off. And all for the “love of money.”   What slight-of-hand trick am I talking about? (you may ask)  Look closely at the title of each book: “Frankly We Did Win This Election” by Michael Bender. And “Landslide” by Michael Wolff. Do you see it? (the trick) The titles actually feed right into Trump’s “big lie”…and in big bold letters. So why would these authors do that? (given that the books are actually supposed to be about “the dark side” of Trump and his disaster of a presidency during the last days of his presidency).  To me, Benders and Wolff are shameless poseurs trying to run *game* both ways to further enrich… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1
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